I have a toolbox, that was originally a WWII ammunition box.
None for sale on eBay 🥲
That is, until https://youtube.com/@outdoorsweekly comes along.
A high school friend put his Neo geo collection in one of those which was a proclamation of wealth I was unprepared for.
The river was the best option?
The coolest, definitely
Dude just reinvented buried treasure
Yeah, and this is going to be a great hidden treasure in a post-nuclear wasteland world. Imagine doing a quest to find this treasure, and once you find it, you get nice pre-war clothes and a physics book that will give you +1 attribute to your science skill for reading it.
imagine opening one and finding a stinger… but the coolant’s expired and there are no aircraft to down in the wasteland lol
Little disappointing given what the box looked like though
That definitely explains the random loot, tho
Yeah I’d much prefer a stinger missile
Really? the battery coolant module is long expired and there are no aircraft to down in the wasteland lol
With the right physics book, this could turn into a “teach a man how to fish” situation
What kind of big ass fish are you hunting
I need to look more at milsup storage containers.
Them: What’s in your GI footlocker case?
Me: Boots, floggers, and condoms, just like originally intendedShit, actually that sounds like it would be perfect for that… And here I was thinking of buying a giant duffel bag
If you get a bigger one,you could sleep in it.
I’d paint over it, just in case someone thinks it might have explosives in it and panics.
I had something similar from a flea market surplus shop when I was in HS and kept it in the bed of my Tacoma to hold tools. It was cool as hell with its desert camo paint and dings and stuff. Well, after 9/11 I became popular with the cops cause I’d get pulled over, and told to stand by the hood of my car with both hands on it, while they checked it.
After about the 5th time, I sold it and bought a bed box.
I have a wooden howitzer ammo crate that I used to keep in the back of my Jeep for tools until a similar traffic incident.
I still have it, it just stays in my garage now.
Reminds me of when I made weekly trips to Denver for work. This was when recreational weed first came out. First day there I bought a glass pipe and a plastic container.
When I flew back home on Thursday I would bury the bowl in the plastic container behind the hotel I stayed at. On Mondays after I flew back to Denver I would dig up the bowl. Beats buying a new one every week or trying to fly with it.
After many weeks of this routine I didn’t find out until Thursday afternoon that this was my last trip and I wouldn’t be returning.
Some where out in Colorado Springs there is a weed bowl buried in the dirt. I wonder if anyone ever stumbled across it.
First time I visited Denver was also my first time trying weed of any kind. I stuck to edibles, because I never did quite figure out how to smoke it reliably. It’s so sticky! It doesn’t want to light! Ugh! n00b issues. But toward the end of the trip, I just said “fuck it” and left a full 1/8 on the top of a gas station dispenser. Surely made someone’s day.
You could return to find out what happened to your weed.
Why would you ever sell something this damn cool
In an alternate reality:
Janitor at university. Found locked military case in river. Coworker says FIM-92 Stinger missile. Heavy. Maybe water, maybe live missile. Call police. Military and EOD arrive. Entire campus locked down. Half of workers taken for questioning. EOD open it – full of some idiot’s clothes and books.
New grudge unlocked.
EOD don’t open shit most of the time suspicious potentially unstable shit just gets a bit of c4 or anfo and a send off in place. It’s one of the perks to just say dunno and light it the fuck up.
And their name in it…
Or better yet, they decide to just blow it up to be safe.
Imagine if it was full of adult toys. That would be something to talk about.
Of course it’s company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo… always use the indefinite article a dildo, never your dildo.
Ownership of dildos must be normalized. In fact, I want to propose making mandatory to receive one upon becoming of legal age at your country of birth. Upon entering a new job? Complementary dildo. Entering the military? Camouflage pattern, G.I. Dildo. Graduating? Dildo. College? Dildo. Masters? XL Dildo. Doctorate? Epic Dildo. Getting engaged? Matching dildos.
Camouflage pattern, G.I. Dildo
G.I. Diljoe?
Masters? XL Dildo.
The Green Jack-It
Magnum Cum Louder
The Cocktorate
I like how your mind works.
Are we starting a product line?
You made me realize being a professional double-entendre creator might be my dream job.
Start issuing fan cards and I’ll be your number one.
And they blow it up. Turns out OP did give a flying f***
You can say “fuck”, here. See?
I do not have the slightest idea of what you intended to convey.
Asterisks are associated with hunter2. That’s all they meant.
I’m either too stupid or too old to understand the underlying joke. Maybe both.
Voice to text default
Is there an AI joke in there somewhere or am I missing something?
No, voice to text default setting on android is to censor cus words with ****
people can also self-censor if they f***ing want to 😉
Yes, they can. I personally don’t even curse, by default, but I’m not offended to read the random swear, unless it is actively used to be an insult towards someone, which was not the case here.
I am interested in making sure people are allowed and expected to express themselves freely in this space, unless they break the “rule” I mention above.
Don’t censor yourself. If there is need for a swear, use it. Just don’t use swearing in place of proper speech.
Actually privately own storage room still cost about 100 € for summer storage today and that’s with inflation.
Yeah but can you chuck it in the river?
No, and I’m very envious of this nice case.
Summer… storage?
This is why I’m happy I had summer school.
International students often use it because it’s not feasible to take their stuff home over the summer. I also used Summer storage, because I was estranged from my family, so didn’t have a “home” to go back to and would have to spend the Summer in sublets or couch-surfing (the only accommodation that would accept me as a tenant were student properties, which is why I typically had to be out over the Summer).
So students in the US who live in dorms need to move out during summers even if they come back the next semester? That’s crazy.
My experience is actually in the UK, but based on anecdotes from friends, it’s similar in the US.
In my case, in one of the years, I could apply to stay in university accommodation over the Summer, but the room I was allocated for that was tiny, so I needed to get some storage anyway. It’s annoying as hell
Rich kids who don’t feel like taking stuff home for the summer.
Why would you need to take your stuff home?
A rich kid would toss it all in a dumpster and buy new shit in the fall.
I ain’t dragging 2 carloads of pots, pans, desks, and clothes back home for 3 months when I know I’ll be living in probably the same dorm again very soon. A waste of gas, time, and money.
When I was in college I just stayed in the same dorm and worked. If I had to remove shit I’d have done similar to OP, minus the cool case
or the opposite - kids who can’t transfer all of their things at once for a reasonable amount of money
when i studied at a UK uni i couldn’t really afford shipping all my pots, pans, sheets, and books back and forth from Poland every year
Must be nice to have owned things. At that age I moved house with a backpack and a bin bag. The fun of apprenticeship wages.
It can cost more to bring stuff home and back tbh depending on your method of travel, you can’t leave your stuff at university, and a lot of people live in on-campus housing which shuts down all summer.
It can be way cheaper to find cheap storage facilities (or a local friend and pay them). It’s not just for lazy rich kids.
I appreciate the commitment to saving $100.