Yasuke is actually a fantastic choice as far as history/narrative goes.
A shame the game looks like more generic Assassin’s Creed Mapfucking+Crowd Supermurder.
Which is fine if that’s your thing, but I haven’t been thrilled by an AC game since… well, AC1.
Yasuke is a questionable choice for a protagonist. It breaks with the pattern of inserting a fictional character into the world, you’ll never convince me that his race was not a calculated factor in choosing him, and his status as a samurai (and portrayal in western media) is largely based on a single historian’s work with questionable credibility. Ubisoft has used the Oda family crest without permission (the family still exists today), used religious imagery without permission, used a destroyed torii gate as advertising material; and for how much they bleat about historical accuracy, their trailers are chock full of inaccuracies.
I do not believe that a character is enhanced or ruined based on their race, but Ubisoft definitely does.
Still can’t believe they put Socrates in AC Odyssey just because he was a popular figure from history. They didn’t even portray him realistically in their video game about solo killing hundreds of enemies.
Oh, right, so all criticisms are invalid because its a game. Just a shitty lowly game, that shitty lowly gamers play. Can’t stand those losers, taking all their childish bullshit seriously. Caring is for pussies.
I’m not touching the rest of your comment but the Buddhism thing really shows you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You don’t need “permission” to use imagery of the Buddha, that’s not how it works.
Who do you think can even “give permission” to use imagery of the Buddha anyway, the Siddhartha family? The Dalai Lama? Does he need to phone up the leaders of the other schools for consensus?
The rest of the comment is also barely touching on the subjects. Yasuke was not a samurai, more than likely just a retainer that Oda kept as a sort of trophy or show of wealth. The main issue Japanese people have is the portrayal of Samurai themselves, saying the way Yasuke fights is not right. They also gave Yasuke the family seal, which is a major legal issue even today since the design is copyrighted. The Buddha issue is not the yse itself, but the fact Ubisoft used Chinese depictions of Buddha and not Japanese depictions. They also showed the destroyed torri gate in artwork, based on the Nagasaki gate destroyed by the atom bomb and is also a protected piece. They also showed supposedly Japanese farmworkers in Thai and Myanmar clothing, and others in clothing not seen until the 17th century.
Buddha is not copyrighted / trademarked 🤣