Lol a friend of mine got banned for posting a picture of a guillotine and referencing billionaires. The broligarchy has gone full gloves off wrt threats to their hegemony
elon musk got a subreddit banned, because of “percieved threats”
Getting banned from reddit is doing yourself a favor. Leave that site and avoid looking back when possible. Trash site.
So Luigi is peaceful then right, so why did the police go after him?
Elon does not deserve to reference dark souls.
Imagine being handed the black knight’s halberd, with the stats to wield it, before asylum demon‽
That is fucking Elon!
got in trouble for ‘liquidated’. Secret word list code for violence. Filters used to be useful and just replace the offending text.
Welcome to the world of bot moderation without any human to put it into context.
It’s almost like the person who wrote that text in the photo didn’t actually understand what any of the words they were saying meant. Like actually. lol
I’ve been told that musk didn’t come up with that quote himself. I didn’t look further into it, but it’s likely that the person who originally wrote it understood what they were talking about, and musk just thought it sounded cool. Hell, I think it sounds cool, might use it in a villainous monologue or some shit.
I totally agree. What a load of bullshit.
People should be leaving Reddit. They are poor stewards of our content for innumerable reasons. Go back to forums. Go to Lemmy. The key thing is that we should not have centralized arbiters of our discussions online.
People should be leaving Reddit. They are poor stewards of our content for innumerable reasons.
Their rando-bans and content and word restrictions are fundamental flaws with the platform.
We can’t let billionaires own the town hall if we plan on having honest conversations. I am glad I finally found this place, and wish I would have left reddit earlier.
I think there will be a mass exodus from reddit in the coming years. The site is compromised and the censorship is out of control.
not all at once, but a gradual decline in non-botted, troll accounts. since reddits mostly bots anyways,. as long as politics, and news subs getting much traffic people will be addicted to the site.
Left reddit… left Google… left Amazon… left meta… never had Twitter.
I am still on some meta services because my family is there. But I only post stuff relevant to those people. Everything else is fediverse and bluesky
Deleted reddit today, just starting to figure out Lemmy. Could not stand the hive mind anymore
I have had a much better time on Lemmy, but I’m kind of the target audience in a few ways, so I’m biased. But I do think less harmful, more productive discussion is more likely to happen on this platform, I feel more comfortable discussing and less likely to be called slurs or called out (rather than called in which is undeniably more effective, and coincidentally feels much more common on Lemmy), and I feel like I’ve actually found folks I could see myself working with in some capacity, such as a project to help others patch up their data vulnerabilities, for a simplified example of an idea I’m considering.
Welcome btw :)
I just joined recently and was lurking until I saw your comment. Figured I’d join in :)
Aye welcome to Lemmy! :) Happy to see you here
Indeed. I deleted my reddit account recently. I like it better here anyways. The pace is slower and the people seem more reasonable here too. My stress levels have decreased significantly since I left Meta and Reddit and that is at once wonderful and scary. Social media is a cancer.
The world needs to forcefully liquidate the wealth of all billionaires and perpetually redistribe that excess wealth so nobody can ever be rich again.
The rich that push back need to be labled as dangerous terrorists that are a threat to our species, and will need to be put down like rabid dogs.
We don’t need to redistribute the wealth. Destroying it would work just fine.
They sentenced a person to death for 12 billion dollar bank fraud in Vietnam. I feel like their culture has the right idea.
“The world” is a convenient way to say “somebody else with a gun”.
This kind of thing is never done peacefully. So, if you’re going to advocate for violence, at least be honest about the fact that you’re looking for someone else to perpetrate violence on your behalf because you’re too much of a coward to do it yourself.
I have a gun and I would do it if I didn’t have anything to lose and cared about my fellow man that much.
But no I’m not gonna save the world for you because you are a little bitch
The banhammer is quite randomly pounded over there.
Ban Elon Musk then??? Sick of reading abt Reddit bending over backwards to defend him & Trump
Is it just me or are other people giving fewer and fewer fucks about why somebody got banned on reddit, or anything else that happens on reddit?
I’m loathe to defend Reddit’s moderation decision but my experience you can never trust the person being banned to explain why they were banned.
I agree - except for the time I got banned…
Elon’s gonna get shot one day
Violence is a double edged sword. It can easily swing the other way. Elon might be misjudging how that sword is balanced.
judging by the spine of the left, i don’t think he anything to fear.
The irony here is that violence is a necessary action when the bourgeoisie (Billionaires) leaves the working class no other option. But what he’s saying is that state violence is justified to maintain the status quo.
Billionaires are not bourgeoisle. Bourgeoisie means “middle class”. When Lenin targeted the bourgeosie he was targeting the middle class, not the billionaires.
You seem to be confusing the meaning of “middle class” of bourgeoisie. This did not refer to what we think of today as “middle class”. This was in reference to a pre-revolutionary fuedal societies like Tsarist Russia. The “Upper class” being the structures of the monarch. The middle class being the bourgeoisie (the capital owning class). And the lowest class the proletariat (working class).
Obviously when we use bourgeoisie today we do not have a Monarchy. So it is still referring to the capitalist class. Revolutions were fought against monarchs that were replaced by the bourgeoisie (capitalist class). Lenin believed that instead of having a revolution to capitalism from fuedalism, that Russia could transition from a fuedal to socialist society and skip the rule of the bourgeoisie.
Lenin was not “targeting” what we think of today as “the middle class”. If someone told you that without explaining the above history they were either lying or ignorant.
Billionaires are by definition Bourgeoisie as their wealth is earned by ownership of the means of production and not from a wage as workers are. That’s why people like me still use the term “Bourgeoisie” today specifically to avoid confusion with what “middle class” means today. The bourgeoisie is a well defined term by Marxist-Leninist to mean “the capitalist class”.
Lenin was not “targeting” what we think of today as “the middle class”.
He damn sure was. And him and Stalin were also targeting all the other socialists. And Stalin was also targeting random working class people.
Lenin and Stalin’s top targets was exterminating all the other socialists, not right wing people. All the members of these 2 socialist parties were either killed or forced into slave labor camps.