excuse me good sir, i would like to inform you that i am running i3wm on my arch workstation, therefore, i am superior to you :) good day sir. or madam, or whatever you please, this was intended as a shitpost and has quickly outgrown it’s skin, oopsies.
A screenshot of an Instagram reel of a Tumblr post? Okay.
I agree, this needed more layers.
not enough layers
Laura apparently doesn’t know cell phone screen shot etiquette… You can only post screen shots if your cell phone battery is below 15%
Lets get this party started!
Oh shit, they went FULL DESKTOPPPP
Why yes, I am using Mint, btw. Thank you for noiticing!
excuse me good sir, i would like to inform you that i am running i3wm on my arch workstation, therefore, i am superior to you :) good day sir. or madam, or whatever you please, this was intended as a shitpost and has quickly outgrown it’s skin, oopsies.
Hmmm, is that mastodon?