excuse me good sir, i would like to inform you that i am running i3wm on my arch workstation, therefore, i am superior to you :) good day sir. or madam, or whatever you please, this was intended as a shitpost and has quickly outgrown it’s skin, oopsies.
I agree, this needed more layers.
Hmmm, is that mastodon?
not enough layers
Laura apparently doesn’t know cell phone screen shot etiquette… You can only post screen shots if your cell phone battery is below 15%
Lets get this party started!
Oh shit, they went FULL DESKTOPPPP
Why yes, I am using Mint, btw. Thank you for noiticing!
excuse me good sir, i would like to inform you that i am running i3wm on my arch workstation, therefore, i am superior to you :) good day sir. or madam, or whatever you please, this was intended as a shitpost and has quickly outgrown it’s skin, oopsies.