Compared to Bluesky, pretty much yeah 😅
ok well that’s a you problem lol
Lmao, maybe don’t make memes about things you don’t fully understand? Bluesky isn’t even the Fediverse or decentralized really— and it’s owned by venture capitalists. Mastodon, like Lemmy, is open-source, open-standard, and actually decentralized.
From the outside, this kind of response almost comes off as weird corporate propaganda. Even if that’s not the intent, it’s still a bit cringe—why take this angle?
I was on and off sending this reply as a whole, when I read this comment it put a bad taste in my mouth, and having nobody mention it, I decided I might as well send it.
While I’m glad knowledge is being provided, but, the way this was phrased looks like you are trying to gatekeep joy and quite frankly given the meme is pretty ironic.
No need to be so serious. You can make your point without insulting the meme or the OP, and you can definitly do so without laughing at the OP. I don’t think this was your intent which is why I ended up sending it anyway,
The general ideology of the meme is there, and while not 100% correct it’s understandable and carries truth(which is both platforms punish trolling). Which is honestly all the matters.
i have no ill will toward OP. but this is a post in a politics sub about conservatives leaving the privately owned business that is run by a literal nazi—i am going to be serious and let them know that bluesky is also privately owned and capitalistic. i didn’t make my response until OP called mastodon a “joke.” OP is free to respond and say they didn’t mean to take this angle or were unaware—and if they did i would apologize and take everything back.
but this isn’t about “joy.” people are dying. mkay? mkay. good talk.
Just had to block someone that said wanting a democracy and not supporting a dictatorship was “Chasing perfection at the cost of the good”.
haha goddamn
But why blocking? That person does not just disappear, and if all non insane people block them, they don’t see that most disagree, but thinks all agree
People tend to feel foolish sitting in a room lecturing nobody, I don’t think you should be worried too much about this, these people crave compliance and acceptance, they cannot function without a community to vampire off of…
That’s wild given a dictatorship has the whole issue of succession, even with a perfectly benevolent leader they gonna die one day.
God, imagine that… we switch to federated and the Nazis can no longer hide behind “Just asking questions” and getting the site admins to bully people.
Well the issue also is that nazis could prosper in here. If they had their own instance I fear there would be a massive delay before every single instance defederates
Don’t need every instance to do it in tandem tbh.
There are plenty of nazis already using fediverse tools, Truth.Social is just stolen Mastodon software, the reason you don’t here about is they are losers and nobody wants to hangout with them.
Based on specific events or??
Right now libs are trying to pretend all people that are more left wing or right wing than them are ‘conservatives’, and trying to convince everyone that liberals, like gamers, are the most oppressed group.
Sorry, what? Are you a bot? Your comment looks like a word salad.
Wow, they really just strung together a bunch of totally unrelated thoughts, didn’t they?
When the left wingers help vote in Trump or choose not to vote they pretty much are conservatives so what’s your point?
Biden’s nor Harris are left wing. Clinton certainly isn’t.
Obama, Harris, Biden and Clinton are all liberals.
A liberal is a centre-left winger who actually has a chance of winning.
Liberals are not left wing, the left starts at the abolition of capitalism. Without that they cannot back up any concept of equality or equity.
…and that’s why you don’t win.
That’s fine, liberalism will be overthrown like it’s sister ideology feudalism before it.
I think you’re confusing the left with far left idealists. “Right wing” and “left wing” are symbolic terms that once represented the right and left sides of the French National Assembly during the French Revolution.
So the “left” is referencing democrats/liberals, not anti-capitalists.
You might want to either co-opt a different term, or better yet- come up with something new.
No matter how much you liberals whine, you’re not left wing. The left starts are the abolition of capitalism, as equality and equity cannot exist under capitalism.
As far as the origin of the term… That’s not how language works. It evolves over time. The liberals haven’t been included in the left since you people appointed Hitler after instigating more than a decade of institutional violence against communists.
You’re not left wing, you’re the exclusive reason fascists have ever gained power.
Half of those people lost, and one of the winner’s reelection campaign was going so badly that he had to resign. Meanwhile, the, “far-left,” alternative to them had more favorable polling numbers in the last 3 elections. After the last 10 years, I’m not sure there’s any serious way to argue that the center-left are the only ones who have a shot of winning.
When was the last night a ‘far-left’ alternative had a chance of winning?
Sanders. His polling numbers were better against Trump than the last three Democratic candidates, but the party leadership organized to block him in favor of centrist liberals. Biden was the only one of those liberals who was able to eke out a win against Trump, and he was on track to lose worse than Carter lost to Regan when he dropped his reelection bid.
This looks like it was printed in a newspaper in the 80’s and scanned to digital in the 90’s. If this was a filter I’d use it on all my memes.
The only issue I have with this is that this fules the generalisation of politics even more. There is a lot more of a nuance in politics than just left/right or conservatives/liberals etc. You see this more in countries with more politics parties. It’s not an either or but a spectrum.
But this meme really suits the current climate of Shitter and the US politic system
Exactly, I only see this kind of vapid dogma in the good-ol USA
Politics is all about nuance & constant concessions
Right up until it becomes about hurting and not accepting people for no good reason and blaming the victims of the inveitable catastrophic consequences, which is one of the only ideologically consistent throughlines through modern conservatism the world over.
The actions of a few shouldn’t punish the rest. Yeah extremism is bad and that is where Nazi’s and MAGA fall under (or Geert Wilders here in NL), but that doesn’t mean that every party that has a more conservative view on the world is inherently bad.
And that is where I stand, but there are rarely parties that are centered enough in the spectrum to follow my view on the world.
Yeah so the conservative parties you support and think more highly of are VERY much about conserving the precious natural landscape we all live in right? To be ideologically consistent the environment and strong environmental law enforcement would have to be at the top of their list right?
I don’t support conservative parties? I am more politically right aligned, but also more progressive. Stop assuming shit about people
If you voted for Trump you are allied with everyone who voted for Trump under one banner. The nuance is academic at that point. If you knowingly vote with nazis you’ve teamed up with Nazis. The reasoning is immaterial.
Then why have any discourse at all.
There’s no need for two-sided discourse on Nazism. It’s a settled subject.
I thought this was about conservatives.
I’m not going to allow my feed to be populated by toxic hateful assholes, and I’ve reached the point of zero-tolerance for folks who try to suggest that anything of value is lost by blocking them.
Social media is NOT the entirety of human existence for most people. We have many, many opportunities in life to interact with and be exposed to people and opinions different than our own. Further, toxic assholes are toxic assholes, and although there is some heavy overlap, not everyone I disagree with gets a block, not even most. 90% of people I block I have never interacted with, I block them based on how I see them interact with others. And yeah, one whiff of maga is insta-block.
There is no argument about creating “echo chambers” that moves me. Folks who want to be down there throwing elbows with the cult of 45 and similar whackjobs are welcome to do so. When I go on social media I want to read and engage in reasonable discussion or I want to consume things that are being posted.
It’s not some kind of virtue to let trolling fascist assholes or similar shitstains to pollute the online space I make for myself when I have the tools I need to remove the taint.
As was established earlier in the comment chain, conservatives are openly allied with Nazis now.
A Nazi did the Nazi salute in front of every conservative in America, and not one of them repudiated him. So don’t play dumb.
Well, at the rockbottom, the only function is to shame and ostracize hateful conservatives who threaten the safety and acceptance of said community.
Hopefully it is much more than that, but even that is enough to be worthwhile.
So it’s about winning a propaganda war, not attempts at mutual understanding for you?
It is about protecting innocent people from hateful bigots, I am sorry if you can’t understand the threat they pose, but I understand it very clearly.
There can be no basis for mutual understanding with people that define their politics upon hurting other groups of people.
I look forward to having intellectual conversations with conservatives after they become too afraid and ashamed to dare to speak their hate out loud in public spaces and they go back to pretending to not have batshit crazy hateful views…
The conditions for an intellectual discussion I define quite reasonably as you are not actively espousing beliefs and realword policies that preclude the existence of safe spaces for vulnerable groups like trans kids, black people, muslims, women, immigrants of any legality or origin, and the poor in general.
safe spaces
Safe spaces with strict rules are great and necessary. Not everywhere can or should be a safe space though.
Not everywhere should be safe? Oh please do explain 🍿
Tell that to a scared trans kid, or an immigrant trying to gain a citizenship in the US and live the american dream, or tell that to a woman who has to wait until she is precisely almost dead for a lifesaving abortion.
Nowhere for these people is safe (especially since this a global trend) because conservatives support policies for the sole and explicit reason they hurt people in these categories to the point that they will hand everything away to the fifthy rich just for the privilege of knowing a trans kid is going to be denied lifesaving healthcare and acceptance.
Shame on you for talking so flippantly about safe spaces in such an atrociously cruel moment.
I spit on conservatives, their views are destroying my country at a rapid rate and it is just a disgusting ideology full of thinly veiled childish fear and hate.
People who aren’t cowards protect innocent and vulnerable people, conservatives specifically target those people because it is easy to punch down at them and get assholes to like you for it.
Your argument breaks down at “conservatism” there is no nuance to being a fascist or fascism supporter. “Oh I don’t really like how he’s racist and I don’t really like how he treats women, but I support the tax cuts” Bitch, that’s the BAIT, you’re now supporting fascism because you were baited into it with your greed.
Extremism is bad yes, but you are assuming that is everything I can vote for. Politics is a spectrum and I know the US doesn’t see it, but in the end I vote in a country where I can vote on over 100 people from like 40 different parties. Same for when I vote for the EU.
I believe that the lack of nuance is part of the problem why I think the US lacks in the compromise department. No there is no defence for extremism, but if you don’t have any good options to vote for then you choose for the one you think is the least bad.
The only issue I have with this is that this fules the generalisation of politics even more. There is a lot more of a nuance in politics than just left/right or conservatives/liberals etc. You see this more in countries with more politics parties. It’s not an either or but a spectrum.
I think by basically beating the conservatives out of the platforms it allows for this nuance to be expressed. Allowing them to hang around with their bullshit and disinformation leaves everyone fighting to establish basic facts and sanity and makes political discussions as tiresome as those that happen on an American presidential campaign…basically DEMOCRAT BAD, WOKE BAD, REPUBLICAN DADDY GOOD, BIG STRONG REPUBLICAN DADDY FETISH.
I like that they can’t debase and pollute every political discussion here.
Well, bluesky isn’t the fediverse, but the point stands.
You’re correct. But blue sky does support federation, just not the same protocol as the fediverse, right?
Federation with what?
BlueSky does not support federation in any way that we understand the word.
It is 100% reliant on the corporate server(s). They do offer a way to host your own data, which solves a singular problem with corporate media, which seems to be what they mean when they promote it “supporting federation.” Is also has an open codebase, which is something.
I’m ignorant af tbh 😅 Thanks for the clarification
Part of their marketing seems to be to create confusion about it. Bluesky uses the language and values of the fediverse to promote what is essentially another closed network. Meta is also doing this with Threads. Bluesky seems like a chill place and a lot of decent people seem to be very happy there, and they provide a lot more user controls than other networks, so the comic definitely still works.
It sort of depends on how you define fediverse. If you mean things using the ActivityPub protocol and are federated with Mastodon, Lemmy, etc. then no, it’s not part of the fediverse. If you mean anything using federated technology then you could possibly include it. It uses something called AT instead of ActivityPub. I’m not personally aware of any other services or instances using it, but I also didn’t look very hard.
Right, but you can’t run your own instance so there’s nothing to federate with.
That lets you host your own data. You cannot host an instance. You must use the Bluesky app with your PDS.
I haven’t looked deep into AT stuff tbh.
What’s preventing you from running your own Relay and/or AppView?
From what I’ve read, that’s not possible, at least not yet. Currently, everything must go through their relay and it will only “federate” with PDS’
I think Mastodon would be what you’re looking for.
Bluesy is a business, Mastodon is a community tool that runs on the ActivityPub (same as Lemmy which is what we are talkin on).
You only have to talk sense.
If Conservatives were capable of being reasonable, could process reality, and acted in good faith, then they wouldn’t identify as Conservative
lol. you just got here, huh?
The only kind of NIMBY I can get behind.
It’s not that these groups are full of true liberals, it’s that much of the population isn’t tolerant of lies and misinformation. So it seems that “conservatives” are being targeted.
The moment I heard “alternative facts” I knew it was pointless to even try and entertain these people anymore.
I instituted a rule about 6mo ago as an experiment: anyone who talks to me about politics must believe the 2020 election was legitimate. If you don’t, we have nothing to discuss. The gulf between us is too wide and your rejection of reality is too terminal to treat. Ever since starting discussions with that and ending it (when they say it was stolen) with “I’m sorry I just don’t think we can have a fruitful conversation” has been unbelievable for my mental health and blood pressure.
Conservatives are often so completely full of shit it isn’t funny.
So you’re telling me that Trump didn’t actually turn on the giant spigot and single-handedly extinguish the California wildfires?!?
I’ve seen people be objectively correct but assholes with their delivery and get fucking blasted on here. Regardless of politics I’d youre a prick you get vibe checked.
I rather tolerate honest pricks
As it should be. I’m tired of lying and “alternative facts” being the new normal.
Even correct and real facts delivered in an intentionally backhanded way can fuck off for all I care
That too. Oh! And double speak…
I’m still unreasonably salty about getting bodied into negatives after pointing out that the fusion research coming out of the National Ignition Facility is just nuclear weapons research.
That’s what Laser Inertial Confinement is, it’s a very contained implosion bomb. Their role in the nuclear stewardship program is the first thing in their damn “about me” page. Gah.I wasn’t even (all that) rude about it, its just really hard for some people on here to accept that their understanding is flawed (myself very much included)</nobodyAsked>
People bandwagon, they think it’s funny to make the number go down even if it doesn’t deserve to. Although I have come back from negative to positive.
I’m a person who likes to learn. When I find out I was mistaken on an issue and why, I sometimes feel briefly embarrassed for being wrong, but in the end I appreciate knowing more and like to share the truth with others. I feel like I can approach people from a place of familiarity, empathy, and compassion and help them understand something they did not before.
I feel like there’s a lot of people here who share that mindset, and when we see someone intentionally trying to manipulate others by knowingly spreading disinformation, the other, less-compassionate side of us shows up to the party.
I’d absolutely rather take the embarrassment of being corrected, over the embarrassment of being wrong consistently.
Oh yeah. It’s a temporary thing, but I wasn’t going to pretend like it’s not a thing and say I’m instantly excited when someone proves me wrong without any kind of hit to my ego.
We have instinctual emotional reactions and if we pretend we’re 100% above them to the point they don’t exist it makes it harder to empathize with others.
Do conservatives and tankies added together cancel each other?
lately dem centrists have been palling around with republicans, so maybe dnc centrists and leftists cancel each other out.
Completely left out the rest of the world lol
They are slowly leaking into, my friends living in .world please try your best to hold your position there. Don’t let them break through communities for news and politics are already moderated far too strictly. Discourse is impossible because of the liberal distributions of bans there.
Your modlog shows you’ve been banned for things like genocide denial, defending genocide, misinformation, tons of violations of simple to follow civility rules….
But yeah… @let’s go with strick mods. lol!
I got banned with the cited reason genocide denial for saying that the leaders of the US Democratic Party don’t call the war in Gaza a genocide.
That was already too much discourse for the political commissars.
No… you got banned for literally denying genocide. It’s in your comments. And it’s public. So, I don’t know why you’re lying about it.
Denying something that’s not recognized by mainstream democratic politicians, nor is consensus among experts in the field, nor has been ordered to stop by the ICJ, where AI needed to adjust the definition.
I’m simply not convinced the war fulfills the requirements of the definition, especially regarding dolus specialis.
Yikes thank you for pointing that out.
They were excusing the attacks on schools, hospitals and safe zones.
And blatantly spreading misinformation.
At this point, I think we should invite back hexbear tankies to roll over the conservatives and “centrist” in .world
I’m half joking, but there may be some truth in that.
What are you saying? That democrats are incapable of resistance against the republicans?
Yes absolutely, in the same way that soaking up water with a roll of papertowels is useless way to stop a ship from sinking from a hole in the hull.
They attempted to infiltrate during the BC election to worship their transphobic John Rustad. Calling someone “a paid activist” for calling out the B.C. conservatives.
let’s do this differently than every other time they show up on social media. get their addresses.
And do what? I’m assuming you’re not inciting violence there, friend.
Thanks for showing up as an example of what a sympathizer looks like
That’s a bit of a stretch lol. But good try.
I definitely wouldn’t… stand in your way, let’s say. But come on. 🙂
“I aSsUmE yUo’Re NoT InCiTinG VioLence”
STFU pussy
Ah, it makes sense now. Looking at your comment history you’re just an edge lord who talks big about murdering people and calling people pussies who won’t “grow up” and murder people.
And you’re really insulting for no reason to a lot of people. Not sure why you feel the need to be that way. I bet you’re not that way in person to people though. Keyboard safety and all that.
You’re the kind of person I wanted to get away from when I was on Reddit. But it’s inevitable at least one of you all would seep through over here on Lemmy, of course.
Holy shit that’s rude. Wow.
Nazis are dangerous people who support dangerous ideologies, including straight up genocide.
They deserve everything they have coming to them.
This guy is definitely inciting violence, judging by their post history. They’re also really fucking unnecessarily rude from time to time. Goddamn edge lord.
Weird comment, dude.
How so?
Perhaps the republicans were on the campaign trail with the democrats and they just followed them here?
I like this.
I think it should be Mastodon & Lemmy though.
Bluesky isn’t even on the Fediverse. It’s private corpo.