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Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • While an aggressive attitude won’t change the mind of bigots, a polite and respectful response to someone who advocates for forcing kids to go through the wrong puberty is going to be especially difficult for people with personal trauma for it, and it’s unreasonable to expect it of them.

    I think it’s a reasonable reaction to throw polite discourse out when people use “moderate” as a cover for their bigotry. This is like when “moderate” person said that segregation of black people was reasonable when people were fighting for their civil rights, and that since the moderates weren’t pro-slavery so they were the good guys. No, you’re not the good guys, you’re just not as bad as the super evil guys. Congrats.

    Now I won’t tell you to “fuck off and die”, but I will tell you to fuck off. If you were someone I personally knew, I would have put in the effort to be polite and try to educate you or whatever, but since we don’t know each other it’s unlikely to land.

    I say it as someone who used to think like you.

  • I remember having a conversation with a former friend a while ago, and he, as a guy who worked for a certain company that makes most of its revenue from delivering ads, spoke about requiring use of front facing camera and using eye tracking technology to ensure you’re actually watching the ads and not going somewhere else while the ads play. If you aren’t looking at the ad, it will play another ad afterwards.

    He spoke about it as something he is looking forward to, since it would increase revenue. Pretty sure he was pitching this idea to his boss hoping to get a promotion.

  • At least now you know what has been eating you for so long. Like Morpheus said to Neo in the movie The Matrix:

    Neo: I can’t go back, can I? Morpheus: No. But if you could, would you really want to?

    You can’t unlearn it, it would only hurt you more trying to pretend like nothing has changed. I hope the people in your life will support you through this.

  • They care more about appearing smart to others to feel better about themselves, seems like low wisdom to me. High wisdom is realising that all that posturing makes no sense.

    The way I see it, they are no different from people who spend money to show off and appear even richer than they actually are; posting pictures of themselves in fancy card, private jets, and other things like that. There are many deca-millionaires and billionaires who buy bigger and bigger yachts and jets for that posturing, even modifying their yacht to be longer so it will be registered as a longer yacht even though it’s the same useable space…

    IQ test isn’t nearly as valuable as they make it to be in reality, and I guarantee that many of that club’s members prepared and trained specifically for that test, which makes them appear smarter than they actually are to the people who care about IQ scores. Moreover, this gives them the incentive to believe that IQ scores matter a lot more, because it inflates their self-worth.

  • I know what industry they work at, but if they switched to a different employer, I might only find out months or years later sometimes because we almost never talk about work outside of work unless someone asks for advice.

    Birthdays are actually quite easy, every time I learn of someone’s birthday, I put it on an app called Birday and I get a notification two weeks before their birthday. Before that, I missed people’s birthdays regularly.

    I know if they are single/have a partner/married, have kids or not, or are divorced, but I might not know if they have had an argument with their partner and are sleeping on the couch or something.

    At the same time, I have a lot of personal things I don’t share with anyone, and I don’t expect them to share it with me. I just prefer it this way.