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I’ve been waiting for this to happen. Sips tea
Ok but it was reinstated soon after. So it’s more of a leopards regurgitated my face.
Gotta celebrate the little victories.
somehow that sounds even worse
The bible is smut.
“It just makes sense to have the Word of God in our school library,” she continued. “After all, it is the book of wisdom. It is the bestselling book of all time; it is historically accurate, scientifically sound, and most importantly, life-changing.”
Fuck me, that’s hilarious. It’s like she took a list of common criticisms of the Bible and then went, actually, it is exactly that which you guys say it’s not.
Meaningless word salad for “my team is better than your team”. Until we stop playing team sports, this never resolves. They’re going to redefine everything so that it all adds up to “my team is best”.
I wonder - has she never learned anything about science, or, is she completely ignorant to what her favorite book contains?
I feel like she’d say anything, if it’s just positively connoted. If the young generation decided that books are great when they’re deep-fried, she’d hold up a bible that’s very clearly not deep-fried and tell you that it is.
has she never learned anything about science, or, is she completely ignorant to what her favorite book contains?
The Leopards came for my face!!
Christian here. What’s a texas?
Oh my fucking god, I was joking about this a few months back.
If you ban books with explicit sexual material, you also have to ban the Bible, because it contains multiple scenes/stories/verses that are that.
Ham very likely rapes Noah, if you go by many scholar’s interpretations of what ‘seeing his nakedness’ means and implies in the original Hebrew.
Lot’s daughters get Lot drunk and rape him after they survive the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Ezekiel chastizes Oholah and Oholibah for having ‘had (their) breasts fondled’ and having ‘lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emmissions like those of a horse.’
Saul demands a wedding dowry from David of one hundred Philistine foreskins… and David brings him two hundred.
… And thats just the stuff that pops into my head right off the bat. There are many more descriptions of sex and rape… pretty sure Samson’s entire story basically revolves around him being a giant horn dog for Jezebel…
That sounds like a fun book for school children!
Saul demands a wedding dowry from David of one hundred Philistine foreskins… and David brings him two hundred.
What use does one have for a couple hundred foreskins? Like, do you try them on your own junk to get that uncircumcised feeling back? Make a quilt? What’s the utility?
Burnt offerings to Yahweh?
Love that smell of burnt foreskin over an open flame. Just like when we were kids camping out with daddy…
The utility is proof that he’s killed 100 of Saul’s enemies, and Saul is possibly hoping that David will get himself killed in battle.
Oh wow, awesome.
Then two hundred foreskins was very generous.
I wonder what the… harvest was like. 😐
Considering it was a desert region in the bronze age, I’d guess… fragrant.
Bet 🫢
I remember reading an interesting note of a priest having difficulty trying to convince incarcerated people to join Christianity because they were being outcompeted by Islam due to the fact that the Bible was wildly inconsistent with its messaging unlike the Quran which was a straightforward book of rules.
He went on to talk about how prisoners were always initially interested to learn that the Bible contained explicit material, but would ultimately find the Quran more useful because it just repeated itself about what and what not to do.
The scary thing about islam that they are following the Quran to the word (since everyone reads the original) unlike Christian dogma that selectively chooses what parts of the holy book are enforced…
Say stoning, the Old Testament states that adulterers are to be stoned. Do Christians want the Donald duck to be stoned? Jolly goddess no. The Quran states that adulterers are to be whipped, but they also hold the Old Testament sacred so they whip the adulterers before they stone them!
We fear islam because its preaching its 1416 year old message and we find Christianity more acceptable since it isn’t…
Who is the we that finds Christianity acceptable?
As a society, we do?
In hungary and slovakia christian churches are state subsidized aside from the tax exemption they get! And in primary school parents can make the decision whether they want their kids to attend ethics or religious class (which means the local flavor of Christianity). In the US (florida, tampa) there was an afterschool bible study in high school! Could you imagine islam to do any of those?
I have not studied in any other country, but I dare make the assumption that other countries on the northern hemisphere, maybe even latin america is ought to be similar!
Not like they all don’t have whatever version of it at home anyway. This won’t affect them at all.
Do kids read the bible for fun? Is it like a game of thrones type of thing where they are just in it for the grotesque violence?
Not like they’re actually reading it or following it (especially the New Testament), regardless of where they have access to it
True. Still, it’s ground won against prosthetization. Harder to jam it down school kids throats if it’s not allowed in schools.
They will just pass a new law excluding the bible from the previous law…sadly.
Which, when you are doing shit like this in protest, doesn’t matter - you simply keep it out of the library even when the law says it’s okay. Them doing this already makes them a target among Christians and is malicious compliance.