Once sat at the same table as another guy in high school every weekday for six months. We traded less than ten words in that time. Later we became great friends.
Seems a little early…
It’s happened to me a few times over the years, but if anything it’s an opportunity to think up a nickname. Sometimes they stick and all.
actually i have adopted a hobby of just giving people new names (yeah i know it could be seen as disrespectful but for me it’s just a normal way of doing things) and then calling them by that name. yes, it has led to confusion in the past. but it’s fun and feels good.
most names are made-up anyways, and i can’t remember made-up stuff. there has to be something profound about it or i forget it
so relatable, i call everyone “dude” or “man”.
i think names are an exception and only reserved for rare occurrences. honestly, i wouldn’t mind if people didn’t have names in general. just call everyone “child” “man” or “hey you” depending on their appearance. names are a weird concept to me. it’s not natural that people have names, i guess.
When I was around 20yo, I spent a summer with a new group of friends pretending I knew everyone’s names. It was anxiety hell. Today, I realize that I can just admit that I forget names and ask and it’s no problem. But that was an interesting summer.
When I first started work I was in shop where there were three Bills, two Phil’s and two Neil’s . I never ever worked out who was who.
Bro, homie, dawg, phil
It’s easy to go years without knowing names, better if you don’t use that last one
But sometimes you meet people who you never see again. That brain space could be used for Vim keybindings.
Hello Jarvis!
Oh thank god its not just me.
The only reason you need to know someone’s name is to talk about them behind their back.
Or to show that you paid attention to anything they said about themselves and didn’t just wait your turn to talk. You know, basic social etiquette lol
basic social etiquette lol
in other words, forced and unnatural and unnecessary behavior that is just a parasite eating your lifetime and energy
it’s called living in a society but ok?
Excellent point, if you’re just 1 on 1 with someone you dont need their name except to talk about them with someone else.
why say their name when you could instead say “guy” or “man”, or, occasionally, “buddy”?
Don’t forget the universal “Dude” and “Bro”
Or if you’re really close friends, the old “fuckface”.
Jfc, if you knew how long it has taken me to know the names of some of my friends, and not just work friends or gym friends, it would be absurd.
Hell, even after months of hanging with someone, you might not know their last name; it’s all “hey, I’m zipper”. Why zipper? “I dunno, you know how it is”. Yeah, I feel that. Anyway, went a beer, zip?
My chronic pain/disability support group shares space with an autism support group. Not a single one of the autism group knows my actual name afaik, but we’ll hang out down the road at a diner some nights as a mixed group when we’re meeting at the same time. It’s all “hey, beard!” And “sasquatch, wanna see my cat?” And sometimes just “man”. I’ve known some of them for years and we don’t know each other’s actual names. A couple of them, I’ve been to their house, and vice versa, and we don’t know each others last name at all.
One guy in specific came over, heard my wife call out my name and was confused as hell because my name sounds like a regular word and thought it was a different nickname. Asked for the story behind it, and I had to show him my driver’s license because he thought I was fucking with him. We’d had dinner together at the diner dozens of times.
No need for real names when you’re bros
After fucking around for a while turned into being exclusive for about six months, the woman who is now my wife realized that we didn’t know each other’s last names. If she hadn’t brought it up it’s hard to tell how long I would have gone not knowing.
This guy’s name is Fork
Men really are like this lol
Can’t relate