You earn more when a union fight for higher wages, union dues are negligible
Mine are $30/month but I make $10/hour more than the non-union crews.
See but now I have to do basic as fuck math, and that’s scary!
You’ve paid your dues before lunch on the 1st
The extra money you make by being part of the union pays your dues before lunch on the 1st.
Yes. This is better phrasing of what I meant.
Unions can be useful… I have a friend who after 30 years would clearly be fired and replaced by three new employees with no experience because, to a director it looks like he or she saved money and so can be guaranteed a promotion…
Where I disagree with Unions is that they have no accountability. If they negociate a scrappy deal or employees get no salary increase, they should give back to the employee as a padding or a rainy day situation considering union members do continue to pay the ever increasing fee of union membership.
I see unions here in Quebec(Canada) becoming fabulously rich while their scrape by…
Just look at companies that have seamstresses, they will offer full suits for the higher strata of society and yet the working conditions are like sweat shops… And they are unionized which makes you wonder how bad it could get…
It feels, from my perspective that unions are useful so long as people can opt out and vote anonymously which is not always the case…
I don’t know enough to agree or disagree, but some citations would really help support your argument.
I am relating to personal experiences and so would not wish to divulge to much on the companies 😉
I don’t believe them.
Also a lie in lots of places.
When I was a union rep there would be people that would bitch about the $70 bucks a month or whatever the dues were. I would explain that without the union their pay would be far, far less (not even bringing up the benefits of work hours, vacation days and whatnot). Like the “all taxes are theft” morons, the words often fell on deaf and willfully ignorant ears.
They probably have no idea what the Homestead Strike was.
This person may be a higher up at Amazon, knowing that unions will diminish her bonuses (salary) because the workers underneath her are making more and no quotas are being met.
This is no excuse though
I doubt any higher up is “barely scraping by”. And as another comment brought up the recipes, this is most definitely a bot.
Won’t someone think of the “higher ups”?
After the last few weeks, I imagine there’s a bit of “not like this!” Going on
This was from the amazon beef with Bernie sanders back in like 2019. Amazon created a bunch of these fake accounts only to be called out for it later.
Does she know it’s (usually) voluntary?
She doesn’t exist. Profile picture is AI generated from
The person who wrote the xit surely knows how unions work.
That’s not even close to the profile picture shown in the OP. What are you on about?
It generates a new one every time you refresh the page. The one in the OP is unique. You won’t get the same one, but if you seen enough of them you can spot these AI generated photos. There is just something off about them. Since the lighting and skin texture is almost always the same and the eyes are sort of dead. And the eyes are always in that same spot.
Oh, OK! That’s cool.
But that’s not true. It depends if you live in a “right-to-work” state. Currently there are 26 of them, mostly red states. I would assume that, by population, the majority of Americans do not live in “right-to-work” states.
Yeah I live in a populous red state and was forced to join a union for a job. It was as bad as how they forced me to wear hearing protection and steel toe shoes on the factory floor. Watch out or you may be forced to do such things as well
While I don’t agree with her sentiment, I can absolutely believe some human union employees would say this. I don’t know if this applies to Amazon jobs, but in the union I know (caregivers) one problem is workers with very few hours have to pay the same monthly dues. Still not really a valid point for most people, but for those few that get caught in it, definitely bittersweet and they will grumble.
I remember feeling this way when I was 18. I thought “well the laws already cover me, so why am I paying for this?”
Anyway, I grew up since then.
I used to consider myself libertarian. Now I understand how basic that is.
Think of it this way, when you’re way ahead in a video game (one without anti-snowball mechanics), how hard is it to maintain and grow that lead? First, when it’s a team game, you’re likely to have opponents just leave, or start fighting each other.
Some people will say the world isn’t zero sum, which is true. But when they take the whole sum, it sure feels that way.
Besides just what is right, the economy works better for everyone when people have money to spend. People who have something to lose commit less crime. If all the money does collect in very few hands, the economy grinds to a halt.
I hate paying 10 dollars to get 25 dollars. The worst.
It’s not even just about money, and anyone who’s worked a union job will tell you that. Many of the benefits of unions aren’t completely measurable (e.g. correcting the balance of power in favor of workers, even if just a tiny bit).
Because these don’t see the bigger picture. They see they could get $35 if they didn’t have to pay the union. What they don’t see is that the union is the reason they’re “getting” $35 and without the union they’re definitely not going to get $35. And obviously any non-monetary benefit (such as more days off) goes way over their heads.
Even if it wasn’t a bot, why is she mad at unions when she’s barely scraping by? Unions would help her with that
Union payments in Iceland are like $20 per month. I’m pretty sure union workers get at least 20 cents more per hour than non union workers to break even.
In the US standard is 2.5 hrs/month. I can’t say for certain I made that back cash, but by the time benefits and job security were added i more than made it up
union busting tactics in the us are basically on toddler level. remember the pamphlet that was sent out to united airlines workers when they were unionising? “union dues are $600 a year. why not spend that money on a new videogame system instead?”
That’d still be a bargain. Many unions in Iceland pay 75% of psychological help, glasses and exercise subscriptions by doing some collective bargaining magic. They also provide “time shares” type of vacation bungalows and more.
All on top of higher salaries, better working hours and working conditions and will provide legal assistance in case of wage theft which my sister had to use one time.
Basically a quality of life upgrade that pays you money even though it may not say so on the pay slip.
yeah i used my union membership to get a lower interest rate on my car loan. lots of benefits.
Same at least for my union in the US. I haven’t needed it, but it’s there for the people who do. Most of the benefits like dental have better coverage through my employer, but I am sure it is more relevant for other bargaining units that they work with.
If you are asking for the arguments to make sense if you think about it for longer than 3 seconds, then you are asking too much.
I’ve saved a lot of headache by realizing people are dumber than I think they are
I think thats the joke
I’ve always wondered, what prevents creating a corporation to hire every worker possible, makes them proportional owners, and then negotiates wages and benefits on their behalf?
One enormous corporation that has all of the benefits of a union.
Corporate espionage and competition. It would not be allowed
Interesting. Even if it operated like an agency?
If it operates like an agency, it’s already at a disadvantage because the real profit is being made by someone else anyway. Otherwise it’s a neat idea.
You don’t hire an agency to break even, you hire an agency to work on projects you assume will bring you profit. In my industry in particular, you might hire some agency employees, spend a few hundred thousand a year, to help finish a product that will rake in tens of millions a year, or to create some internal tooling that saves you millions in employee productivity.
I think a major issue is that if the corporation cannot find work for all of its employees, how will it pay them? And since, presumably, there will be admin staff required who also need to be paid, the amount this corporation will charge the employers of the workers will have to be more than is paid to the workers. If this amount is significant, employers can poach employees from the “union corp” by offering more money, while still saving themselves money.
you mean like free market syndicalism
Yes, but strictly created to take advantage of all benefits afforded corporations via modern laws and political influence.
So a co-op?
Like Mondragon?
Not the exact same thing, but is a step in moving society that way, but read up on Germany’s co-determination laws.
THIS right here. Mondragon is exactly what GP Is asking about.
If you’re reading this and thinking about starting an LLC, non-profit, co-op, or union shop, please give this a look too.
What advantages do you think a corporation would have that a union doesn’t?
I think this model exists. waitrose in UK might be one of them, not sure though.
The co-op is also one of these, surprisingly
Right to work! Right to work!
this fucking scab
or was he a pig ? I forget
Reminder that the Christian Labour Action Coalition is not a union even if they say they are.
Unless you live in a “Right to Work” state, then you get to benefit from the work of unions without contributing any money to their efforts, much like a leech benefits from the blood production of the animal it attaches itself to.
Not exactly, you will receive the prevailing wage, but not the full benefits package. No thanks to right to work, it’s a big pile of bullshit too.
Right to work is a way to hurt unions by starving them of dues.
I think the comparison to a leech is accurate, as the leech does not know or understand it is a bloodsucking parasite, but continues to steal blood and nutrients, those ignorant of the work unions perform will benefit from them regardless of their contribution.
Rarely do you find someone who both genuinely understands what a union is for and declines to join when offered the opportunity.
I thought Lonnie was gonna get rid of the bots.
could have been real because of some “ambassador” scheme they had where they’d hook a select few warehouse workers with social media handles to spread the propaganda
which only makes it more creepy if you ask me.
they’d hook a select few warehouse workers with social media handles to spread the propaganda
Then, if the media didn’t trend or the employees couldn’t keep up with their workload plus social media, they were fired.