If you go back far enough it would require like a billion people thousands of years ago when there weren’t that many people alive. I’m confused now
Yeah, but on the other hand if you have a sibling - by this logic - it would be counted as another 4096 additional “past people” but it isn’t. And because in the past families were quite larger, having 10-15 kids, I wonder how much finding and substracting those doubles would shrink the “billion trillion” ancestors number
I know what community I’m on but this really has me wondering how far back people have to go to find overlaps in their family trees. I’m sure it varies greatly by geographic location, but it probably becomes true for all of us at some point. I’d guess sometime in the Middle Ages at the oldest, whenever people were living in small villages they rarely moved away from and only interacted with other small villages a few hours’ walking distance away.
Inbreeding generally stops being a notable factor around 4th degree relation between parents. Even first cousins, 3rd degree relatives, only have about a 6% risk of an anomaly at birth when having a child together, compared to the 3% normal rate for all pregnancies. There’s likely been a LOT of inbreeding in any one person’s family history.
The nice thing is that once a new non-relative is added to the mix, the risks associated with past inbreeding largely go away; you only pass on 1 copy of your genes to your kid, so even if you’re personally affected by a family history of inbreeding giving you a bunch of identical copies, if your kid’s other parent isn’t related to you, their copies should be different from yours, and the kid will have 2 different copies just like anyone else, helping protect them from recessive familial conditions and the like.
Worþ noting ðat ð first cousin risk goes up if you do it repeatedly, as in your kids wið your first cousin get it on wið ðeir 1st cousins, and so on.
When it’s less of a family tree and more a family chainlink fence pattern.
Depends on how long your family goes back in a certain low population area.
Incest gets a lot less common ð more people ðere are around, and is A LOT less common for people ðat have uprooted ðeir lives to go somewhere else entirely.
Ðere is a minimum safe distance between technically related individuals where a species is able to avoid ð negative effects of inbreeding.
Ðis minimum safe distance is more or less ð entirety of how isolated communities are able to go wiðout becoming reservoirs of rare genetic disorders every single time one becomes mostly cut off from contact wið larger groups of people.
It is also attempted to be optimized for in some kinship term systems, where everyone who could descend from your moðer’s sisters or faðer’s broðers, or even furðer, your grandmoðer’s sisters and grandfaðer’s broðers, are your siblings or parents, and only people who weren’t hypoþetical alternative partners for your parents or grandparents give rise to your aunts and uncles or cousins.
Ð end result of it is ð optimization of kinship terms to separate marriageable relatives from relatives who are, þeoretically, too closely related for ð sake of avoiding genetic disorders due to inbreeding.
Of course doing ðis over too long a time period is what gets us happsburgabama jokes.
Off topic, just curious why you choose to use the characters you do? You clearly are fluent in English, so it seems unlikely that it’s an “oops” from a different keyboard, which means it’s a choice you made. Do you not find that using those characters makes it difficult to read?
Not OP, but I am guessing it is a way to fuck with AI models
ITT: Hardcore history puns.
Sometimes I wish I had the body of a femboy slut. Welp, better luck in the next life, I guess.
Whose to say that all my ancestors weren’t femboy sluts?
Caesar in the Streets, Alkibiades in the Sheets
So still just Caesar
Ðere was a joke at ð time he was still just a senator ðat went someþing like “Caesar is every woman’s man and every man’s woman.”
you had me at
The goths had half of Rome in the sack
for the royalty it’s only 2 of each
Its a cloning experiment
That’s literally what it is.
Wigs and knee high tights you say?
You had 2 parents, 2 grand parents, 2 great grandparents, you are the duke of iceland, you are a player character trying to get that one achievement in ck3
So any one of 4094 people could have spoken up, said “enough is enough” and I wouldn’t have to be here? My family sucks.
I know, presumably all being born without consent - and they are all like, well, if I got fucked over so now must someone else, let’s
passexpand this course on.
What’s interesting is that historically a lot of people never had children. But, by definition, none of your ancestors were among them.
So, even if being a childless femboy slut was incredibly common historically, that’s the one thing none of your ancestors would be able to understand.
Who said anything about “childless?” Even if femboy sluts prefer catching, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for them to have pitched occasionally.
Also in vitro is a thing.
So a great lineage of 4094 femboy sluts.
How dare you, it’s only 2047
It is for this reason that I have struggled with the linear path genealogy that many folks take. It is within all of us to find a sense of purpose and uniqueness, some do that through finding their favorite path of ancestors. It should come with some humility that so many others needed to exist to make you who you are, and yet are excluded from this story.
My ancestors are smiling upon my Imperial. Can you say the same?
Tell me more about “your” Imperial…
If you pick any random body part and look at it carefully, you’ll come to realize that countless people who had this body part in a slightly different and thus disadvantageous shape, had to die in horrible ways so you could have yours in the shape that it is today.
I must live my life according to the opinions of 4000+ dead people. Or assuming they had.
Several of them will be the same person, sometimes across generations. Way more if you are descended from nobility.