The [Environmental Protection Agency] has set a 10-year deadline for most utilities to replace lead service lines, but omitted requirements for schools to replace the water fountains or plumbing that have lead components.
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why would they get new pipes if they won’t even spend a fraction of the amount to feed the kids
If we had a functioning federal government, the answer would be because the EPA required it and failing to follow environmental regulations could lead to them being prosecuted for child endangerment
Okay, I know wish is cheap. But like, does anyone who orders anything on wish actually get something functional?
Ordering ourngovernment off wish? We really need to step it up and go to Amazon!
(/rampant sarcasm, at the end their.)
Parents should be feeding their kids, not the government.
Yes, and if the parents are unable to feed them, what is the next step? “Sorry buddy, next life pick a richer family”
Someone just needs to properly motivate the parent(s) to not neglect their children.
Cool, and after the parents fail… is it fair to punish the child?
It doesn’t take much to feed children. But i guess giving lunch to kids denies you joy of seeimg them starve?
It doesn’t take much to hold the parents responsible for their actions (or inaction),.
hey you seem to have this boner for punishing people instead of helping them. Most parents want the best for their children. their lack of means is not something we should punish the children for.
Child abusers and neglectors should be held responsible, not have excuses made for.
Your definition of abuse and neglect is not universal. let each parent decide.