Did he do that?!?!?!?!?

Also, kinda burying the lede that the Wolfman-mask alien from the ANH Cantina scene will be an actual character.

Please don’t let this suck…

  • Hackworth@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    That’s neat, I hadn’t heard about this show. The trailer looks fun. Is it just me, or does Jaleel look rendered in this shot?

    • wjrii@lemmy.worldOP
      19 days ago

      I agree the trailer looks fun. Goonies in space, plus a Jedi.

      There’s just been a certain cheap and rushed quality to recent Star Wars outings, both in writing and actual production values, that has made them a lot less enjoyable than they could be. I actually kinda liked the Acolyte and hope in particular that we see Manny Jacinto again, but I can’t deny it was mostly just “kinda okay” and definitely seemed to squander its budget on cheap fake beards and fat toy lightsabers.

      A breezy, fun story could handle that campy vibe a little better than ponderous end-of-galaxy stories, though. We need an infusion of charisma, too. I dunno. As always, I’m cautiously optimistic.

      • Hackworth@lemmy.world
        19 days ago

        I’m an editor by trade, and weirdly, I think Acolyte’s main problem is editing. When I later heard that the story was supposed to be all about the Sith and was reworked by producers, it clicked. It’s cut like someone doing their best to make a story make sense after cornerstones of that story are removed. I’ve been in that position. It sucks.

        • PunchingWood@lemmy.world
          18 days ago

          I didn’t have any real problems with the actual story of the Acolyte, but what did put me off most was the insane pacing and strange edits in that show, there was rarely a moment of rest to give viewers time to let stuff sink in. Some episodes also cut-off very suddenly to a credit roll, it was just jarring. And a lot of scenes felt like they were supposed to be a lot longer and could’ve benefitted from a lot more dialogue.

          I’m unsure why they did so, because most episode could’ve easily been like 20-30 minutes longer to make at least 1 hour episodes. I think they might’ve cut a lot and saved it for either flashbacks in a potential second season (especially the Qimir stuff) or decided they wanted to change it later.

          The whole editing and pacing reminds me a lot of Rise of Skywalker, the entire movie felt like they crammed 2 or even 3 movies into one.

          • wjrii@lemmy.worldOP
            18 days ago

            The whole editing and pacing reminds me a lot of Rise of Skywalker, the entire movie felt like they crammed 2 or even 3 movies into one.

            I’m an unapologetic The Last Jedi fan, so fair warning, but this is a huge part of the issue with The Rise of Skywalker. It was such a knee-jerk, panicky reaction to the mixed reception of TLJ that it materially made TROS worse than it needed to be. You can walk back some of the more divisive stuff in TLJ in a way that’s much more graceful and isn’t lampshading it with stupid shit like, “Come with us Rose! I can’t Leia gave me homework!” or having Force Ghost Luke literally catch and return the Youngling-Slayer lightsaber. Even if you want to go a different direction, it needed to be “Yes, and…” rather than simply undoing TLJ. It left no one satisfied and wasted run-time.

            Beyond that, I agree, there was just too much, with the redemption of Kylo Ren (assuming you needed to go that direction… I don’t agree) being enough to fill out an entire movie if done with care, and then the rebuilding the resistance and invading Exegol being plenty for a third.

            • PunchingWood@lemmy.world
              18 days ago

              Oh my god I almost believed I was the only one on earth that thought this about the sequels and TLJ and TROS specifically. To the point I couldn’t even mention it in any SW discussions because people would just dogpile on how much they hated people actually enjoying TLJ, or for just thinking TLJ is the best of the three movies.

              It felt a lot like JJ Abrams gave Rian Johnson such a hard time by ending TFA on a cliffhanger (quite literally lol). Which basically gave Rian no wiggle room to do anything like a time jump or whatsoever at the start of the movie. It looks so much like Rian tried to salvage what JJ had started and then JJ came back to just backspace everything Rian had set up.

              I had always kind of hoped that the Skywalker saga would be 9 movies of 3 trilogies and a 10th finale movie to wrap up the entire saga to an epic conclusion, probably would’ve been better, but I’m unsure if Disney would’ve been able to pull it off anyway.

              The overall idea of the sequels seemed alright, despite characters being shoehorned in for the sake of fan-service unnecessarily. Like the force dyad, knights of Ren and Palpatine having a post-death scenario using the clones. But all of that felt like quite unsatisfactory executions and never really wrapped up, like “yeah Snoke was a clone experiment, we have many of them”, as if that was sufficient information and then proceed to never ever mention it again lol

    • wjrii@lemmy.worldOP
      19 days ago

      If we’re ever gonna get Hondo, this is probably it. Knowing Lucasfilm, it’ll probably be as a five-second end-of-season stinger though.

  • PunchingWood@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    Good to see some OG aliens in there, Disney kept adding almost exclusively new aliens and then only use those for a lot of their stuff.

    • wjrii@lemmy.worldOP
      18 days ago

      One of the true unforced errors of the Disney era, particularly the ST itself. I get that they didn’t want to be “MCU, Space Opera Division,” so they wanted to get a little auteur thing going on and let JJ et al do their own thing, but Lucas et al created literally dozens of aliens and for the most part none of them were in the ST, even in background roles. It made it feel disconnected. “The universe is too small” has also been a fair criticism, but (1) you don’t fix that all at once, and (2) they didn’t really do that anyway, just made all the aliens into pufferfish or catfish.

  • Lauchs@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    I’ve fallen out of star wars as the recent stuff has been mediocre (or Andor which was “quality television” but felt, to me out of place in a galaxy ruled by space wizards with laser swords) but damn, seeing that wolfman dude and the notion of Urkel… Well, I’m tempted!

    • TheDeepState@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      The real problem is they are making too much stuff. I stopped getting the comics because they were horrible. I don’t know if I’m going to watch this show or not. It would be better to have one good show tell a story for two or three seasons and then move to the next one.