Did he do that?!?!?!?!?

Also, kinda burying the lede that the Wolfman-mask alien from the ANH Cantina scene will be an actual character.

Please don’t let this suck…

  • PunchingWood@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    Oh my god I almost believed I was the only one on earth that thought this about the sequels and TLJ and TROS specifically. To the point I couldn’t even mention it in any SW discussions because people would just dogpile on how much they hated people actually enjoying TLJ, or for just thinking TLJ is the best of the three movies.

    It felt a lot like JJ Abrams gave Rian Johnson such a hard time by ending TFA on a cliffhanger (quite literally lol). Which basically gave Rian no wiggle room to do anything like a time jump or whatsoever at the start of the movie. It looks so much like Rian tried to salvage what JJ had started and then JJ came back to just backspace everything Rian had set up.

    I had always kind of hoped that the Skywalker saga would be 9 movies of 3 trilogies and a 10th finale movie to wrap up the entire saga to an epic conclusion, probably would’ve been better, but I’m unsure if Disney would’ve been able to pull it off anyway.

    The overall idea of the sequels seemed alright, despite characters being shoehorned in for the sake of fan-service unnecessarily. Like the force dyad, knights of Ren and Palpatine having a post-death scenario using the clones. But all of that felt like quite unsatisfactory executions and never really wrapped up, like “yeah Snoke was a clone experiment, we have many of them”, as if that was sufficient information and then proceed to never ever mention it again lol