My hypothesis is cars. Most hats are a pain in the ass with a car
Yeah, he mentioned that. Makes a lot of sense to me.
I just realized this was a video and not a discussion thread. My bad, lol
I’ve definitely noticed significantly more people still wear hats in the city. Walking all over the place and taking trains and busses means way more outside exposure day to day so could explain why more people still wear hats around here.
Hmmmm. If there were only some way of being in a car with a hat without having it on your head.
Depending on the size of your car and how many people are with you it’s a pain in the ass.
Can’t everyone not the driver rest their hat on their lap?
Depends on how big the hat is I guess. I’ve had many a sun hat crushed by having them in the car
Hats are back
Fashion has declared it to be so
…I am fashion, for the first and only time ever.
TL;DW “after WWII people sought more relaxed casual attire, spent less time exposed to the elements, and rode in cars more where hats were cumbersome”
less time exposed to the elements
That’s my take. Convincing my little kids to at least bring a hat when we canoe or hike, like I’m torturing them. Last hike we got rained on, “Why you keep wiping your face like that? OH, bet you wish you had brought your new hat!”
They’re cooking in the sun while I dip my hat in the river and slap it on. No problems here!
My wife is far wiser. Despite being a city girl, like, never-been-in-the-woods-before city girl, she learned quick. We easily have 20 hats between us. And spares at camp, in the car, in the truck, everywhere.
Yup. I do notice how many people don’t even think to wear hats for sun exposure anymore and end up regretting that pretty quickly.
I always thought it was also because Kennedy didn’t like hats. He felt bad, so he still carried a hat because his friend was a hat maker.
Edit: Nvm, found a good article:
“Kennedy not wearing a hat didn’t kill it. It was its funeral.”
Most people aren’t bald.
hoods are superior to hats anyway. I will never buy a jacket or coat without one.
Maybe in the winter. Sun protection don’t need a coat.
No good in the rain, too hot in the sun.
Hooded cloaks will make a comeback once the heatpocalypse turns into the next ice age
good historical video