good lord, its always the dems fault! ‘why oh why didn’t we run a racist rapist who promises to ban an entire religion! someone who has bankrupted casinos! someone who cant run a charity for cancer kids!? a fraud university!? clearly its the dems fault ! they didn’t excite me enough! i demand perfection!’
two different standards and yet americans are still blaming democrats.
No, it’s (1) proximity to massive online psyop campaigns put forth by BRICS (BIGGEST FACTOR) (2) profound loneliness and social isolation and (3) low information/bad internet hygiene
good lord, its always the dems fault! ‘why oh why didn’t we run a racist rapist who promises to ban an entire religion! someone who has bankrupted casinos! someone who cant run a charity for cancer kids!? a fraud university!? clearly its the dems fault ! they didn’t excite me enough! i demand perfection!’
two different standards and yet americans are still blaming democrats.
its the citizens.
No, it’s (1) proximity to massive online psyop campaigns put forth by BRICS (BIGGEST FACTOR) (2) profound loneliness and social isolation and (3) low information/bad internet hygiene
i actually have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but im willing to listen and hear you out. explain it to me like to a child.
Bricks is Brasil, Russia, India, China and one other. Their goal is to dethrone G7. The other points are sociological and about digital propaganda.
Senile genocidaire = almost perfect.
next time we’ll get it right and run a senile genocidarie who’s also a failed businessman who cheats on his wives.
clearly the winning card.
But will it be able to beat 50 year old ex guantanamo bay guard crusader wannabe?
only if its racist enough and enlists unelected billionaires!
gosh why cant the dems learn to run these types!