if only they’d bragged about walking in on teenage beauty pageant changing rooms! why oh why didn’t they cheat on all their spouses! Why oh why didnt they own casinos and bankrupt them!
stupid dnc! always running crummy candidates
if only they’d bragged about walking in on teenage beauty pageant changing rooms! why oh why didn’t they cheat on all their spouses! Why oh why didnt they own casinos and bankrupt them!
stupid dnc! always running crummy candidates
he also had a penis! something both hillarry and kamala were lacking.
but oh gee whiz so weird how suddenly charismatic and normal DNC is to blame to losing to a felon rapist. how did that happen such a mystery
our first half white president was called our first black president. this country has deeply moronic citizenry. I would call it a cope that its the DNC’s fault for not ‘exciting them enough’ to elect a literal rapist over a woman.
its not as complicated as you think.
its way more simple than this, america is not ready to elect a woman–let alone a brown woman, to lead the country.
she was up against a felon, who vowed to ban an entire religion his first go. it should have been a layup but our citizenry is full of sexists. the amount of failures trump has is insurmountable. but no. cant have a woman leading. ‘too emotional.’
trump literally is a ‘billionaire’. wtf are you even talking about. Hes a felon. wtf are you even talking about. hes a felon. wtf are you even talking about! he shits on a golden toilet for crying out loud. he bragged about his tower being tallest after 9/11 for crying out loud. Hes literally a wall street billionaire who owned fucking casinos (and bankrupted them)
its morons like you that fucked us, i’d say get your thumb out of your ass but really its your own dick. you ‘both shides are the shame’ stupid assholes fucked us.
Who do you suggest we blame
an absolute idiotic racist, sexist and misogynistic citizenry who would rather vote in a felon?
“NO kamala just didnt excite me enough!”
“I will ban all muslims” vote for that. and you lose your muslim friends.
its not really that hard of an idea to grasp. if you vote for hate you will get that in return.
“why oh why couldn’t the democrats have run a good candidate like the republicans! a con man grifter felon rapist who bankrupts casinos! and hangs out with epstein”
which side is being invaded currently, lath?
and the people invading them are they democratic, lath?
you are a joke
this is a longer more boring way of saying “both sides are the saaame”
sarcasm and irony mostly because people keep blaming dems for “not putting up a better candidate” when they are pitted up against a literal conman felon rapist who has promised to ban an entire religion. who cant even even run a casino, who cant run a cancer charity for kids because he stole from them. how is this so hard to understand for you?
once again, its the voters, not the dems that are the biggest issues. are you perhaps a teenager who has reading issues?
yeah super important meetings require some tweeting time while the billionaire who actually runs the show talks.
every teenager knows this
power to the people–oh wait they voted for fascism?! Why didn’t the opposing party do more fascism to win votes which clearly works!?
again, this is you, this is what you sound like to normal people
once again, strong disagree.
its the fault of the voters who couldn’t stomach voting for a woman whos mixed. like george carlin said. garbage in, garbage out.
the voters are to blame. our citizens are to blame. we have terrible, stupid, racist, sexist morons in this country. it wasnt the dems fault. and now we are all going to pay the price
i think we both agree that government sucks. just that you think its the democratic politicians fault that our citizens voted for fascism.
elon musk had done a nazi salute. and is about to face fuck the entire nation, but its their fault the voters didn’t turn out? give me a break. “DRAIN THE SWAMP! ban muslims! woooo” this is what the people voted for. its not the dems problem anymore. its the citizens who are about to feel the pain
“yeah, if only the democrats promised tax cuts to the rich and cutting medicaid! so foolish!”
do you see how you sound?
yeah, hows that trickle down economy working, are you feeling it on your face yet or just your hair?
maybe if we grab them by the pussy then? will that work? maybe if we say we’ll ban an entire religion, will that work?
gosh so hard for democrats these days
agreed, so maybe its the citizens and not the DNC…
no its the democrats who are the problem (skinner meme)
the dnc has never run on that. not in a long time. they are moderates, literally almost conservative.
this is known.
it was because it was a woman. I repeat. america is too immature to be lead by a woman.