Secretary of State Marco Rubio grew visibly frustrated during an ABC News interview when questioned about the Trump administration’s approach to Russia.
Defending Trump’s push for peace talks with Putin, Rubio insisted negotiations were necessary but admitted the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.
He clashed with host George Stephanopoulos over Trump’s refusal to call Putin a dictator and the U.S. siding with Russia in a recent UN vote.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
This title is misleading. I watched the whole 9min and he was calm and collected in his delivery. Was he frustrated at the leading questions? Yes. Was he melting down? Ya no, not even close.
The Daily Beast with a bullshit, misleading, clickbait headline? Surprising.
I’m sure I downvote Daily Beast articles more than any other site. I wish people would find other sources - although the stories might not sound as exciting.
The summary is reasonable though. Again we are cutting trump and his underlings a ton of slack about his campaign claims of fixing the war in 24 hours, and 6 weeks into his presidency. No, we should not accept political hyperbole just because it comes from trump, and Stephanopoulos was rightly asking how does calling Zelenskyy a dictator (and undercutting Ukraine-supporting allies) but sucking up to putin move peace talks forward?
As I said before, the way trump makes these deals is like putting duct tape on your passenger door, calling yourself a master mechanic, and then blame next mechanic when the car falls apart.
seems like trumps 1 day special diplomatic operation failed weeks ago
having the intelligence to realize, but not have the balls to speak out to the fact that the Russian Mafia just regulatory captured your country is something to melt down over.
Yeah Biden placated netanyahu. It was bad, but for the lowest of bars, he at least was placating an ally instead of giving a hostile power everything they want and yelling at the ally they invaded
And placating Netanyahu and is better than finishing off that genocide with a nice ethnic cleansing
Yeah, but holy fuck I’m exhausted at the bar being that fucking low
The U.S. isn’t placating Putin. The Republican party is. Because they’re traitors.
As a European, only the complete collapse of the Russian federation in an acceptable outcome.
What would be the best way for that to happen? More specifically, how can we pull this off safely?
We have very little historical precedent to go on. The USSR collapsed in 1991. There was some nervousness around what was going to happen with all their nukes. Ultimately, we ended up with Russia, led by Putin.
How would we stop Putin from triggering nuclear retaliation?
If we stop that, how do we make sure some other oligarch doesn’t immediately take his place?
If Russia were to completely collapse, what would happen to Russia? Would we be willing to let China take over? If not would we be willing to maintain an indefinite occupation of Russia?There may be good answers to all of these questions. It seems the more practical solution is to contain Russia. Do you think the EU would be ready to adopt a constitution if it came up again?
Russian federal subjects would semi-autonomously be their own countries. Falling under supervision of the UN and neighbouring countries
But that is on the US and China agreeing to it when currently both are against that
It does give China potentially direct control over some resources they would want but they already can get those without weakening their position
I can see why this would be a good outcome for Europe.
It essentially turns Russia into a puppet state. If we were to eliminate China and the US, that would make Russia Europe’s puppet state. While it has some obvious advantages to Europe, it’s clearly not in the interest of either Putin or Russia (the most pessimistic estimates put his approval rating at over 60% among Russians).
Since it’s obviously not to their advantage they won’t agree to it. That means someone would have to force them to accept that new status quo. The US just dropped all support and China has made it pretty clear that they’re not going to participate in any operation like that either.
So that leaves the EU. I’ll circle back to my earlier question. Do you think the EU is ready to adopt and ratify a constitution if it came up again? Absent that, do you think the EU can put together a military coalition that’s big enough and permanent enough to induce an immediate surrender by Russia? If not, do you think that the EU is willing and able to wage a protracted direct war against Russia?
It can’t be supervised by it’s neighbours if the two biggest neighbours aren’t apart of it
If the US and China abandon Ukraine WW3 will happen so to pretend there’s a safe way out of it is unreasonable
The US will look to Canada
Russia will look to Germany
China will look to Taiwan
I don’t know if any of your predictions are true. They might be, but I don’t have nearly enough evidence to be confident in any of them.
If they are, I don’t see how the complete collapse of Russia is even remotely feasible. Those predictions add up to saying that none of the necessary pre-conditions have been or will be met. Together, they say that we have no way to coerce Russia into the desired state and we have no way to re-align their interest to get them to do so voluntarily.
China definitely won’t swoop in to defend Ukraine against Russia. I think we can agree on that. It’s pretty clear the US won’t either. I think we can agree on that too.
That’s why I’m wondering if you think the EU can get big enough to do so on it’s own, and do so quickly.
i do not know if Europe can do it unfortunately
I am thankful that Europe knows enough about 2 front wars to not give up on us in Canada
Britain and France being nuclear powers and Germany having strong manufacturing may pose enough of a risk that they avoid a hot war and continue disinformation efforts
Suppose there’s a cockroach colony in a residential building. Separating it into few parts is not going to do much good. If you mean that by collapse - same elites retaining power - then it’s just not good enough.
And if you mean removing them, rich natural resources have proven to be good for those who have them and bad for those who don’t, so no.
Turning it into a real federation or even confederation - yes. Like Germany.
I mean the russian people doing to Putin and the oligarchs what the Libyans did to Gaddafi.
No, death is erasure of information. He’s head of state. He should be convicted in court and be put in jail.
Also showing that a head of state will be held accountable and then put behind bars is very useful, it’s a treasure that shouldn’t be destroyed by lynching.
Even in EU high-level politicans and bureaucrats already behave as if they can’t be convicted for real crimes (scandals of the “he has a second apartment with nice door” are not that, I mean criminal decisions on post and assisting kickoff schemes, things legal only because there’s nobody to judge officially otherwise, like surveillance legislations, and such). That’s very dangerous, they should always remember they are not immune, neither in theory nor in practice.
This is the same with all of Russia’s government. They shouldn’t be just banned from working in such positions again, shouldn’t be lynched or something, deprived of stolen properties. They should be thoroughly investigated and convicted accordingly.
Because otherwise it’ll be just another change of leadership of a pirate colony, like in Syria. The king is dead - long live the king. No. These people should be shown to not be kings, just citizens who got too far, which shouldn’t happen again.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
Well… that’s not too far off
So Trump’s going to give Ukraine all the weapons that they want?
His handling of Ukraine is like his handling of Gaza, so he’ll be giving Russia all the weapons they want.
Make Vladivostok into a Ukrainian beach resort
Hahahahahahaha. Try again
deleted by creator
While the title is the usual nonsense, the interview is the usual nonsense delivery that the master of deals is going to save the day, when he couldn’t deal his way out of a wet paper bag.
I’m beginning to feel there’s a fundamental disconnect between the vocabulary of everyday people and the words journalists use. I can only imagine how the dialogue goes around a journalist’s house.
“Honey, have you heard about the Winstons?”
“No, why?”
“Fred from accounting SLAMMED they’re planning to move to Wisconsin.”
“Oh, I see. Did you GRILL him about where exactly they’d be going?”
“Yeah, I HAMMERED him with questions until he MELTED down. IN TEARS, he SCREAMED at me, ‘Yeah, somewhere near Madison.’”
“You know… politely.”“We had fun at this amazing diner. The food was out of this world!! Literally the best night of my life.”
“So you had fun and ate good food?”
Feels like you gotta reach for top shelf words to keep up.
No, TRUmp is placating Putin. He’s got to be a Russian asset.
Stopping any cyber offense/defense towards russia is just straight up treasonous at this point.
Obviously, the US should hack the Kremlin, but if Russia hacks the Pentagon, I will be very mad!!
I am very smart.
Russia has been a constant cybersecurity threat against the other superpowers since the internet has been a thing…
Stop projecting…
And hacking them back solves that? No.
Wow, you’re a genius of counter intelligence it seems.
Please educate us with your vast knowledge!
I did say I was very smart.
Yes, that’s exactly how cyber warfare—and all other kinds of warfare—work.
Its treason, and US own citizen are cheering him on for it. Russia actually won the cold war. Props to Putin for that.
Placating? More like deep throating. The US is gluckglucking Russia and liking it.
the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
Distracting from Trump’s servile position towards the fascists in control of present day Russia by using the favorite logical fallacy of the USSR, whataboutism, is either highly ironic or very on the nose depending on which axis of the political compass you choose to focus on…
This guy sucking putin’s asshole says what?
We’re not placating Putin, we’re actively realigning ourselves with him. He is our ally in the Moscow-Maralago Axis of Evil.