Voting is the least we can do BUT… do not expect systematic change (that helps the working class) to come from the top down. Both parties agree on legal bribery, insider trading, “good billionaires”, the voting system, and the two party system. Meaningful change is going to require more effort: i.e., grass roots organizing from the bottom up. Start in your own community and the change will grow organically.
How much are you getting paid by the billionaires in the dnc to simp this hard for them?
Just enough to cover my Lemmy monthly subscription.
Uncommitted performative boTh sIDEs grandstanding couch sitters who drank a bit too much right-wing wedge-driving vodka:
Make sides irrelevant by passing state level electoral reform and opening our elections to 3rd parties. More democracy is the solution, not forcing people to vote for your preference. Do you people ever take the time to consider you don’t want people to vote for who they want to vote for? How can you sleep at night dreaming of taking other’s right to vote away? Awful…
I am a huge advocate to changing our election systems. In fact you’d be hard pressed to find someone who’s done more write-ups and advocacy for campaign finance and election reform.
That said, this is putting the cart before the horse. Such Constitutional reform first requires consensus among the working class. We must first unite the left and right under a common enemy of the rich. Only then can we pressure states to seek a convention for amendments to the constitution.
making it difficult to vote is a feature not a bug.
The question isn’t why are the not doing anything but why didn’t they do anything when they had the chance.
Obama had the house and senate his first term and all we got was shitty healthcare and drone bombing wedding receptions. We need a new opposition party.
Obama had a filibuster proof majority for a grand total of 73 days and they did Obamacare. Dems haven’t had that since.
Get rid of filibuster. Pack the supreme court. Do whatever you have to do to do what is in the benefit of the public. It ain’t that hard, it is very popular but the democratic party is just not interested in working for the people.
I’m not sure I agree with that. Before suggesting someone wield that kind of power, consider how you’d feel about it if the opposition parties did that too.
At this point, I think the USA is better off just reforming its constitution. And possibly splitting the union into 5-10 separate smaller countries. The country is clearly not an effective union anymore, and to be honest, hasn’t been for a very long time. This isn’t the first time there’s been a north-south divide and it certainly won’t be the last, so why prolong the suffering? Just break it up and be done with it. Everyone will probably be much happier that way.
It’s less of a north/south divide and more of a rural/urban divide.
the fascist party has already done that. I’m not against taking off the gloves if the other guy is coming at me with a fucking knife.
It ain’t that hard, it is very popular but the democratic party is just not interested in working for the people.
It sure as shit was not popular in 2009. It’s not even popular now.
Most people don’t know jack fucking shit.
He had a filibuster-proof majority for a handful of weeks, and we got better healthcare than what was already on the table. While it’s not great healthcare, it’s still better than before.
That included some staunchly conservative Democrats, by the by. Many of whom were ultra “pro-life”, which means abortion rights were gonna happen.
Additionally, people who mention drone strikes fail to a) recognize the tech was relatively new, but not so new that it was affordable to the DOD, and b) each president after has had more drone strikes.
But let’s not let facts get in the way of our outage or anything.
lah dee dah, every president since has used drones. what, all two of them?
Oh and the Dodd-Frank act regulating Wallstreet. And saving the economy from the massive financial crash with the Recovery Act. And an act that extended how long after being fired someone can file for unemployment. And new tax legislation that had tax increases to help pay for the investment in the economy with the recovery act. And around 50 other pieces of legislation.
Plus the “shitty health care” you mentioned mandated insurance companies have to cover people with pre-existing conditions giving insurance to tens of millions of people. And extended Medicaid to tens of millions of people providing relatively cheap medical care by comparison to before. Free? No. But many went from having bills of multiple hundreds a month to just 50. Again, perfect? No. But a massive fucking improvement.
All that in the 2 years he had both houses. Not his entire first term. Much of it was incredibly influential even if not perfect. To say we got nothing out of it is misrepresenting both what we got and what we had before.
All that in the 2 years he had both houses
And they had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate for a whopping 2 months.
Which is when we got the ACA.
I.E. the literal bare minimum. They even managed to argue themselves out of the public option while still getting zero votes from Republicans.
On a bill originally derived from a conservative think tank.
And that included Manchin and Lieberman. Ugh.
And despite that we’re still in the shit
So stop blaming Democrats who have been actively trying to improve things, and blame the Republicans who have been, and actively are RIGHT NOW, destroying things.
I’ll blame the folks who have power to stop it and are doing exactly fuck all.
That includes the fucking voters, you know.
Try to backpedal with your self sabotage now, motherfuckers.
The DNC lit a billion dollars on fire to lose to a racist rapist again. The “adults in the room” couldn’t beat a semi-literate buffoon. AGAIN.
Voters should have voted, yeah, but in more civilized cultures the folks at the DNC would have fallen on their swords.
Well a major influence on that is because people keep voting for Republicans even when Democrats have progressive policies on their platforms. Republicans winning the House in 2010 kneecapped every single thing the Democrats had been striving for. 2010 had the lowest turn out for a midterm in decades. Often because of people on the left blaming Obama for not fixing everything right away, or because there is a depressingly large population of the country that don’t even know midterms exist.
Republicans fuck everything over, and people keep voting for them. Democrats don’t fix everything right away, and people refuse to vote for them. Such is the stupidity of the American public.
Democrats are also completely unprepared when they do have power. Where’s their project 2027? They dilly dally and prevaricate when they know they have zero time to do anything?
And why do they constantly insist on playing nice? Republicans have been assholes my entire life and Democrats refuse to acknowledge this.
A political party that can only get power for four months out of forty years is broken and should be berated out of existence.
Are they unprepared though? Because every time they get full power they get shit done. Not as much as would be ideal but they still do stuff. And they also would have passed multiple more things in 21-22 if they had been given more seats in the Senate, having a 50-50 Senate made it only possible to get some things done not everything, they could have played dirty and gotten more done. For instance they weren’t able to pass their Voting reform bill that had passed the House and would drastically have changed and improved how we vote. But it’s still BS to say they don’t get anything done. That’s literally far right propaganda that has become so pervasive it convinces people on both sides that the Democrats are useless and never do anything.
That said, about Project 2025. It was put together by the Heritage Foundation. A think tank that does its work and puts it out for free. They’re backed by right wing billionaires. So the Republican party didn’t make it, despite it being their platform. Also wouldn’t it be Project 2029 for theirs since 2027 is a midterm and the whole point for that is to obstruct and do oversight on trump and his administration by having any power again. That said again. They don’t have the massive far right billionaires driving the equivalent of a Project 2025 and democratic voters also frequently argue against Billionaires driving something like that. Project 2025 is successful because all the work was done by Heritage.
Also also, I 100% agree that it’s insane they keep playing nice. They have to play dirty and that means breaking some rules which they seem unwilling to do.
But they are put into power by the Voters and then punished by the Voters despite doing significant legislation and improving the country when they get full power. So them not being able to take power for as much time as republicans has to do with the voters and the Republicans cheating with gerrymandering and voter suppression. And general Republican propaganda destroying the system.
But even this last Election Harris wanted to increase the minimum wage, wanted to put caps on rent increases, wanted to give first time home buyers 25,000 down payment assistance, wanted to legalize weed, wanted to introduce an Unrealized gains tax on people who have stock portfolios bigger than 100 million, increasing the corporate tax rate, talking about actually trying to punish companies who engage in shrinkflation. She had progressive policies on her platform, but instead of Democrats going out and voting and the progressive legislation driving people to the polls, everyone summarized her as only ever being not-Tump and them being the same and some saying she even had no policies. Democrats have things they campaign on, but the Voters say no. Mainly because the left doesn’t vote, or split their vote, and the right ALWAYS votes.
Personally, I’m not saying the Democrats can’t or shouldn’t be better, I think the party needs to be drastically reformed and we need to primary and kick out the older generation and we need more progressives who can talk more like real people. But I’m also trying to be fair about how things actually happen when they are in power.
Damn. Preach.
Second highest voter turn out for a presidential election in US history.
Clearly its the voters fault…
Also why in the broken nation is the assumption that if more people showed up they would have voted like you? I never got this concept. Please spend more effort being an opposition/resistance and less being poor losers.
Millions of people who voted for Biden in 2020 didn’t show up to vote for Harris in 2024.
Trump’s numbers barely changed at all between the two.
Yes, and that does not imply what the democrats think it does.
It doesn’t imply anything, it’s a fact that Voters chose fascism and now they’re facing the consequences.
Yes, we all are. I am just sick of this pretending they did not.
And I can’t say that I blame them. Biden’s presidency… or his campaign… or Harris’ campaign…
It was a shit-show all the way through. Maybe next time the Democrats should try catering to their voter base.
14 Million primary voters picked Biden in 2024.
He won the primary, as has every incumbent for many many decades.
We failed them, not the other way around.
A rigged primary, where the voters weren’t really given a choice. Voters were very vocal that they didn’t want him to run again, and the leadership openly ignored them. Next time, maybe the leadership should listen to the base that they claim they represent.
I still think there’s a good chance he could have won it the second time because there are enough sexist and racist democrats who stayed home who could have made a difference.
If he was winning primaries with 90% then clearly voters weren’t vocal about that at all. The vocals ones we saw in media didn’t properly represent the voters.
But when statistics showed Kamala Harris had a better chance at victory, he did drop out and gave his ticket, that he won fairly in a Primary Election, to her, his vice president.
Voters were saying it very loudly, the Democratic leadership just ignored them. Polls were very clear that nobody wanted either of them to run, and they both had a low approval ratings. The ticket wasn’t his to give, it was up to the voters. The Democrats chose to skip the voters, so the voters abandoned them.
I don’t see why anyone would expect voters to stick with a party that treats it’s base so disrespectfully.
Polls? I’ve got the ultimate form of poll for you. A primary election, which he won.
What primary? The democrats did everything they could to shut down primaries. From refusing to run other candidates to outright cancelling votes.
I literally just told you the 2024 primaries. Are you an AI?
There were 7 states holding their primary before Super Tuesday where Biden won 15 states all at once. Some states he won with a margin over 90%.
Oh yeah it was a real primary with real candidates. I mean the second place guy “Uncommitted” nearly had it in the bag…
Lack of candidates is hardly a fault. What did you expect, Jill Stein?
Oh yeah and what a race. The competition sure was… breathing. Probably.
Same as any other incumbent race.
And I can’t say that I blame them.
“I know fascism is bad, but I understand allowing it - I mean, look how uninspired the other option was!”
Yeah, this is exactly why we’re in this position.
Dems will do anything to not accept responsibility for fumbling 12 years in office since 2000.
I hate the us government as much as the next invasion target, but this stupid tribalism has gotten out of hand. Was this the inevitable result of a two party system (a joke pretending to be a democracy)? Maybe, but the very idea that I am expected to “pick a side” even as a outsider and that once I do half of the us will write me off is laughable.
America, you did this. Stop trying to make it someone else’s fault.
If we are to assume that there was voting suppression, do something about it!
If we are to assume that there was voting fraud, do something about it!
If we are to assume that the majority of americans did not want the current administration, then do something about it!
This should be a no brainier if you have the majority of americans against this then you should have the will and ability to do something about it.
But you clearly don’t have the majority of your nations people behind you in this, most likely don’t care enough (a side effect of that two party system) or and this might shock you, that the majority of americans are really just that awful and want to watch the free world burn.Do what???
That’s the issue. All these non Americans keep saying “Do something” and they can’t even think of anything to do either.
Our government has stopped listening to us. I vote, ai write my politicians, I canvassed for candidates. None of it works anymore. None of it. We hold no sway outside of force. With force were so woefully outclassed it’s not even a realistic idea.
Second highest by sheer number, eighth by percent of voting eligible population.
From your source:
Why did you cut out the VEP? The very next column…
it stands for Voting Eligible Population by the way.
Edit, for those not willing to click a link here is the picture not cut off:
Notice how there are 3 measurements of voter turn out? Two of which show this to have been the second highest turn out? Now does this show a larger then there should be level of disenfranchisement? Yes, so fix that!
I cut off the VEP because I mistook the voting age population for the voting eligible population and now that you pointed that out (thank you by the way) I’m looking into why there’s such a difference between those two numbers.
Its people that have lost the right/ability to vote. Most likely due to the terrible american for profit prison system.
It’s also a metric that isn’t included with the numbers before 1984 which makes it difficult to use as a comparison.
It was not included before it was invented, it was also not needed as the level of voter disenfranchisement was not yet an issue. It is now the standard metric (since you guys have so many people that are barred from voting).
In the chart I originally posted see how six of the eight don’t have VEP?
Explains why when you use it, it goes from eighth to second.
Voter turnout being high is great for non-republicans.
It is pathetic that among high voter suppression (due to Republican motions) the Democrats blame the people for not voting, instead of blaming voter suppression, or any of the other decades worth of inaction by Democrats to foresee and prepare for this. They have a two party system, it’s not like the Republicans were a complete surprise
Its just wild looking into this from outside. If the election was rigged, then it would have fallen on the party that was in power at the time to manage right? Well what side of the two party system was in then? After so many years watching the US ratchet more and more into crazy town I just can not understand how people can not put blame on one half of what is no longer a democracy (maybe a Diarchy?).
Then there is the assumption that if more people showed up to vote the results would change. This seems to make the assumption that the democrats are the default choice (even if the lesser evil, making the concept of choice a joke) and that the people who are clearly angry, burnt out and did not think they mattered would not want to see the world burn.
and that the people who are clearly angry, burnt out and did not think they mattered would not want to see the world burn.
Well, then they can see the world burn. Surely there’s no reason to complain - this is what they wanted.
I don’t think they are the ones complaining, yet.
We all voted for Biden even though we KNEW he would be worthless but that’s who was forced on us…and then for four years he ABSOLUTELY REFUSED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE to do his Number One Job of defending the US against domestic terrorism and insurrection.
And then his successor campaigns as a GWB acolyte and gives vague, rambling non-answers to very simple questions while telling the constituency to go fuck themselves.
You figure it out
It’s a legitimate question.
Even when Democrats are in power, they still don’t do anything hardly at all. I have voted Democrat for a long time now, but what we really need to do is get rid of First Past the Post voting in America, as it would really light a fire under them to be effective or be replaced.
I voted in Taiwan. I had to take a 1 hour train ride to the American embassy to vote.
While some people don’t vote out of apathy, others are a target of indirect disenfranchisement that prevents the working poor from voting.
Others still do it because of religious dedication to the accelerationist belief that making the human experience worse will magically cause the working class to gain class consciousness and revolt. You know. Like has never occurred in recorded history…
How do you vote to get rid of the dumb voting system in USA?
Replace “Not voting” with “supporting genocide”, you dishonest scum.
i voted for fetterman and he’s more useless at resisting tyranny than a wet blanket
Right right, it’s a neat graphic, but it kind of ignores people who remember multiple presidential elections.
If we vote Democrat and then the Democrats don’t do jack s*** then what surprise is it that people stay home next time? Obama was weak. Biden was weak. They could have pushed policies that would benefit the average American citizen, and they mostly didn’t. The party threw us away, not the other way around.
And I still think people should vote, but you don’t get to blame them for the Democrats being s*****.
Lol are you gonna wallow in hopelessness for the next 4 years or actually do anything?