I didn’t even notice until your comment. That’s such a weird image to have an AI make; how hard is it to google ‘billboard in a city or whatever’ and run with the first result?
you’re choosing to interpret it negatively. you read to much into it. I tend to interpret ‘honestly, why do you care’ as someone who honestly wants to know why the other cares. Why would it not be that? It makes a lot of sense to me to ask this question, because I don’t see the relevance of something being AI or not in the context of a meme.
Give me a break. You clearly were being incredulous. It was not a genuine question. Get that nonsense out of here. That’s literally how everyone uses that phrase.
You should label your images if they are AI generated.
You should label your comment if they are made by a bot.
I think they did.
What? I was just poking fun at the OP by implying he’s a bot.
By not do you mean bot because if not then I don’t know what
My head hurts
I didn’t even notice until your comment. That’s such a weird image to have an AI make; how hard is it to google ‘billboard in a city or whatever’ and run with the first result?
Not that hard at all. Though these days a lot of Google images results are also AI generated. I’m not even sure if the image above is real or not.
Label it how?
The body of the post.
Honestly, why do you care?
because boooo AI
I completely agree with them.
he asked why
No he didn’t, it’s a flippant “you shouldn’t care.” He doesn’t actually want to know. Everyone knows that.
“Why should I care?” Similarly is “I don’t give a shit.”
you’re choosing to interpret it negatively. you read to much into it. I tend to interpret ‘honestly, why do you care’ as someone who honestly wants to know why the other cares. Why would it not be that? It makes a lot of sense to me to ask this question, because I don’t see the relevance of something being AI or not in the context of a meme.
I am not choosing to read too much into it. They chose those words for a reason. Stop white knighting just to be contrarian.
I was asking honestly. Why do they care? It’s a meme community. Why does using an AI image to get a message across matter? Why do they care?
You are reading way too much into it.
Give me a break. You clearly were being incredulous. It was not a genuine question. Get that nonsense out of here. That’s literally how everyone uses that phrase.
i mean clearly we don’t need a label to recognise them