What is Family Echo? Why is it better than other free genealogy databases?
What is Family Echo? Why is it better than other free genealogy databases?
That’s a good call.
I think I’ve got Fortnite covered. They can only friend with a sign off from me, and they can only voice chat with friends. I think that’s everything I need, but if you have any recommendations, I’m all ears.
videos are more credible
My kids are a wee bit older. They get a kick out of meeting with friends in Minecraft and Fortnite. It’s nice because both have crossplay, so I can join them from my gaming PC.
Just so long as I don’t have to clean up after.
I find that many communities with the same name fragments users. Then posters try to post to every community with the same name which produces duplicate posts that fragment conversation. The two noncredibledefense communities are a good example of this, as are the half dozen parenting and dads communities.
It’s a lousy user experience.
A veritable double doxxing
eh. They kind of doxxed themselves. The Lemmites just made it obvious.
That’s a fun thread though. Thanks for linking to it.
What’s the value in duplicating existing communities?
In the biblical sense?
they didn’t grow up in the 80s 😞
It’s embarrassing and uncomfortable for everybody.
Remember that it can always be worse. Even if it’s irreversible in our lifetimes, it can always be hotter and more extreme.
Putting the “a” in asymmetric.
Yeah, we’re in Canada. I made a big purchase because I was expecting tariffs to tank the Canadian dollar.
I’m happy to say that neither of those things have happened. Yet.
Sing your complaints.
It sounds like you’re talking about getting an expert to gut check a story. That’s a great idea.
Seems relevant:
I’m not sure I’d call it journalism though. Journalism itself often includes: (some) internal fact checking, legal review (cause it’s easy to accidentally say something defamatory), legal defense (because jerks will sue you anyway), editing, and research support.
Are these cables just for use by Meta properties, or will they sell access to other orgs?
Apparently Google (or maybe Alphabet?) also has a bunch of undersea cables. It looks like those are for just by Google Cloud customers (and presumably) Google itself.
It clearly isn’t open source, but on Pixel devices, swiping up to the switcher, and then tapping the image is enough to open Lens and get the URL.
now my list is longer