I love GNOME for this. No desktop icons. Windows/super key, type the first letter or two, boom. It’s so pretty.
My phone on the other hand? The first screen is nicely arranged. The second screen is just a chronological list of the apps I’ve downloaded, because they automatically go to desktop, and they’ll clutter up my home screen if I don’t have a separate sacrificial screen for them
Same. I hate desktop clutter. The horrors I’ve seen when I’ve been on someone else’s PC. Random documents that haven’t been touched in 5 years. Why?!
Even aside from looking ugly, it’s not even a good place for apps/files! If you have a window or two open, everything is obscured and you have to move windows out of the way to access your stuff.
They get a lot of shit for it, but IMO Gnome was 100% right to say “No. The desktop inevitably becomes a dumping ground and we don’t want that. Your app menu is for apps and your Home folder is for files. We have very good search functionality to find what you want. No desktop icons. If you want that, install an extension.”
“We” is obviously the hard-working developers who predominantly work on Gnome unpaid. The people who provide the software for free.
Literally every project makes decisions on what their vision is and enacts it. Gnome is no different.
If you don’t like a piece of software, don’t use it. Nobody is forcing you to use it.
Frankly, you sound entitled. They aren’t obliged to make their project to the way you want it. Especially not when you’re getting it for free. Entitlement like that is the biggest cancer in the FOSS community, IMO.
Hmm, GNOME pays developers. There’s a team of full time employees steering GNOME, and staff. Sure they are a non-profit, but it’s a bit romanticizing to claim that they are doing all that work for free. I don’t think it is very nice or productive to call people names and gatekeeping FOSS this way. There’s such a thing as customization. It’s fine that GNOME is very opinionated (everyone accepts that they are and the project lead has said so time and time again that user choice is not part of their focus). But, at the same time, it’s not their project, there’s a complex governance structure that involves the community. It’s contradictory to speak this way about a component of a Linux distro. Linux is philosophically underlined by freedom of choice and personal customization, and it’s inappropriate to insult people for wanting some more of that.
Some developers do some paid work. The majority is unpaid.
I never said they did all of the work for free. Same goes for other projects.
Yes, it is their project. They own it. It’s theirs. They are the developers.
Linux is philosophically underlined by freedom of choice and personal customization
And Gnome doesn’t go against any of that. You are free to not use it. They aren’t forcing you. You are free to customise it. They aren’t stopping you.
Please stop acting so entitled. This is software they are providing for free, the bulk of the work being unpaid. They don’t have to do free work for your specific needs if they don’t want to. It’s their project.
I never insulted you. If my words hurt, then I’m sorry, my intention is not to hurt you.
I’m just trying to steer you away from the path you’re on of thinking you’re entitled to XYZ and some predominantly unpaid devs have to cater to your whims. They do not. It’s their project, not yours, and they rightly call the shots.
Entitlement like that is the biggest cancer in the FOSS community, IMO.
I said feeling like the devs owe you something is entitlement, which is a cancer to the FOSS world. You aren’t owed anything, and neither am I.
Nowhere did I say you were cancer, unless you happen to proudly identify as an extremely entitled person.
Like I said, sorry if my words hurt you, but you aren’t entitled to have the devs carer to you specifically. The project is theirs and if you don’t like it, fork it or use something else. That’s what FOSS is all about.
The availability of extensions for everything is the true power of Gnome for me. They got most things right but I love being able to tweak every little detail to my exact liking
This is exactly how I use KDE, but without the GNOME look, which I am not a fan of. You don’t even need to hit meta first in KDE, you can just start typing if you have krunner on.
This is actually the one thing I hate about GNOME. I keep a nearly fully empty desktop but I like having one as sort of a staging ground for temp files. I like just being able to chuck a file there and then drag it into another program, all without having nautilus open
I love GNOME for this. No desktop icons. Windows/super key, type the first letter or two, boom. It’s so pretty.
My phone on the other hand? The first screen is nicely arranged. The second screen is just a chronological list of the apps I’ve downloaded, because they automatically go to desktop, and they’ll clutter up my home screen if I don’t have a separate sacrificial screen for them
Same. I hate desktop clutter. The horrors I’ve seen when I’ve been on someone else’s PC. Random documents that haven’t been touched in 5 years. Why?!
Even aside from looking ugly, it’s not even a good place for apps/files! If you have a window or two open, everything is obscured and you have to move windows out of the way to access your stuff.
They get a lot of shit for it, but IMO Gnome was 100% right to say “No. The desktop inevitably becomes a dumping ground and we don’t want that. Your app menu is for apps and your Home folder is for files. We have very good search functionality to find what you want. No desktop icons. If you want that, install an extension.”
The reason I don’t use Gnome is “We don’t want that” Okay, and just who the fuck is ‘we?’
“We” is obviously the hard-working developers who predominantly work on Gnome unpaid. The people who provide the software for free.
Literally every project makes decisions on what their vision is and enacts it. Gnome is no different.
If you don’t like a piece of software, don’t use it. Nobody is forcing you to use it.
Frankly, you sound entitled. They aren’t obliged to make their project to the way you want it. Especially not when you’re getting it for free. Entitlement like that is the biggest cancer in the FOSS community, IMO.
Hmm, GNOME pays developers. There’s a team of full time employees steering GNOME, and staff. Sure they are a non-profit, but it’s a bit romanticizing to claim that they are doing all that work for free. I don’t think it is very nice or productive to call people names and gatekeeping FOSS this way. There’s such a thing as customization. It’s fine that GNOME is very opinionated (everyone accepts that they are and the project lead has said so time and time again that user choice is not part of their focus). But, at the same time, it’s not their project, there’s a complex governance structure that involves the community. It’s contradictory to speak this way about a component of a Linux distro. Linux is philosophically underlined by freedom of choice and personal customization, and it’s inappropriate to insult people for wanting some more of that.
No, no, no.
Some developers do some paid work. The majority is unpaid.
I never said they did all of the work for free. Same goes for other projects.
Yes, it is their project. They own it. It’s theirs. They are the developers.
And Gnome doesn’t go against any of that. You are free to not use it. They aren’t forcing you. You are free to customise it. They aren’t stopping you.
Please stop acting so entitled. This is software they are providing for free, the bulk of the work being unpaid. They don’t have to do free work for your specific needs if they don’t want to. It’s their project.
I never insulted you. If my words hurt, then I’m sorry, my intention is not to hurt you.
I’m just trying to steer you away from the path you’re on of thinking you’re entitled to XYZ and some predominantly unpaid devs have to cater to your whims. They do not. It’s their project, not yours, and they rightly call the shots.
Sure, all those things could be argued to some degree or another. Just don’t call people cancer. Throwing insults devalues your argument.
I never called you cancer, or insulted you.
I said feeling like the devs owe you something is entitlement, which is a cancer to the FOSS world. You aren’t owed anything, and neither am I.
Nowhere did I say you were cancer, unless you happen to proudly identify as an extremely entitled person.
Like I said, sorry if my words hurt you, but you aren’t entitled to have the devs carer to you specifically. The project is theirs and if you don’t like it, fork it or use something else. That’s what FOSS is all about.
The availability of extensions for everything is the true power of Gnome for me. They got most things right but I love being able to tweak every little detail to my exact liking
This is exactly how I use KDE, but without the GNOME look, which I am not a fan of. You don’t even need to hit meta first in KDE, you can just start typing if you have krunner on.
Why not disable apps going to your homescreen instead?
This is actually the one thing I hate about GNOME. I keep a nearly fully empty desktop but I like having one as sort of a staging ground for temp files. I like just being able to chuck a file there and then drag it into another program, all without having nautilus open
Iirc, there’s an extension to allow for desktop icons? I may be misremembering, it might be a setting somewhere. Either way, I’m sure you can do it.
Yeah, desktop as the temp location is great for a few reasons.
I can easily see what is in the queue.
It reminds me to do something about it.
I can rearrange the dozen or so icons for fun when I am having trouble picking what to do. Kind of like inventory management in an rpg.
When I hit about 15 it prompts me to clear the list by either finishing them or putting them all away so I can start again with a clear screen.