Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • We have a computer repair shop in my town that does not do computer repair. Ask them if they can fix something, the answer is always “we don’t do that.” Even simple shit like screen repair on cell phones, which they have signs on their windows saying they do. “We don’t do that.” My landlord owns the local radio station, he says they’ve tried to get them to do computer repair for them. “we don’t do that.” Factory I worked out tried them. “We don’t do that” Friend needed keyboard repaired on laptop. “We don’t do that” I’m so convinced at this point that whenever I meet a local business owner I ask them who they use for any computer repair, and it’s always the same answer as to why they don’t use this one place, that’s a big store, in the only strip mall in town. They only have one dude in the store, who’s constantly got some right wing radio or YouTuber on. There’s no other employees, no reasonable way they’re affording the outrageous rent for such prime real estate. There aren’t many businesses in this town, and almost all of them use someone from the bigger city 35 minutes away

    On top of all of that, there used to be a Mexican grocery store in town (in the same parking lot, in fact) that never actually sold any food, and would always say they were closed if you walked in. They got shut down because they were apparently part of a group that was bringing in undocumented workers. The dude who owns the computer repair place is the cousin of the guy who owned the Mexican grocery store.

  • It’s [a song](Bette Davis Eyes https://g.co/kgs/BK7y7F8) that’s referencing two silver screen era actresses. Garbo was famous for her standoffishness and an iconic sigh, and Bette had these incredible, large eyes.

    If you’ve never seen a Bette (pronounced Betty) Davis movie, she was absolutely fucking fierce. Seriously, she could be a rapid dog in a ballgown when she wanted to be, but she could also play demure, shrinking violets when she needed to. She had a bit fued with Joan Crawford. She only ever made one movie with her (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane), but my favorite movie of her’s is Hush Hush, Sweet Charlotte, and I highly, highly recommend literally every human check that one out.

    I’m a bit of a Bette stan

  • Used to live at a place with a massive coyote population. We got em here, too, but nothing like that. Nightly they’d yip as they ran around our yard, dozens of them. Every single night. You’d sometimes see them like a whirlwind, literally circling the house and making the craziest loud group noise. It didn’t last long, as there got to be more human activity at the house (it had been empty for a while, and then occupied by a lone meth head who never went outside) they found other grounds up in the woods. But for the first several weeks we were there it was terrifying to even consider going outside past dusk. If you left something in the car, you just had to wait til morning for it.

  • Freya! Who fell asleep while playing.

    That sounds exactly like the name of a Norse tale partially Christianized by Snori Sturluson. Freyja is enjoying her time with the Aesir, but one day she falls asleep while playing a game with Loki, who is so taken aback at her beauty while she sleeps peacefully among the Heather that he hires several svartalfar to create a bronze statue of her beauty, but the svartalf are so good in their craft that Loki falls in love with the statue, tricks Odin into breathing life into it, and marries it, but it goes mad knowing it is a construct, and takes over Freyja’s life, and eventually they come to an agreement where they trade places once every 100 years, and no one knows who the original is to this day

  • This one is a stretch for me, honestly. I’m willing to have my mind changed, but prepubescent nudity was pretty common place before relatively recently. Like even super conservative sexually repressed Victorians didn’t really consider baby nudity to be… Nudity. Like, there’s just no there there, y’know? Kinda like how today you’ve got album covers like that nekkid baby in the pool, or they show female babies without a shirt on in movies/on TV. Because before a certain age it’s just a nonissue.

    Again, maybe I feel that way because I’m not into cherubim penis? Are there people super into nekkid baby angels and I’m just too sheltered to know about it?

  • I mean, I figured myself out, I think. I also figured out that, regardless of how I feel, I’m more at ease being uneasy like this than I would be uneasy the other way, if that makes any sense at all.

    Ugh. I’m writing and rewriting trying to phrase everything without actually admitting anything and it’s not working. So, cards on the table. Feeling vulnerable, might delete later. Lol.

    I’m pretty sure I’m trans. Like, right now, if I could push a button, I’d push that fucking button. 100% of the time, no hesitation. But I can’t push that button. That button is years of hard work, isolation, alienation from friends and family, vulnerability, embarrassment, awkwardness, and for a payoff that, for me personally*, just wouldn’t be worth it, because at the end (if such a thing could even be said to exist) of that journey, I would be a 6’3 trans woman with shoulders like an NFL linebacker, and likely in my mid to late 40s at best. Life is hard enough for me as a, frankly, quite unattractive cis gay man, and that’s with decent support from family. My family is never going to disown me, mind, I could burn down an orphanage on Christmas Eve and dance in the ashes and my mom would be livid, but that lady would love me and I’d be still welcome at dinner. But the awkwardness and trying to make her understand is just too much for me, for what I consider very little payoff, again, for me personally*. I’m never going to feel comfortable in my own skin, so I figure I might as well be uncomfortable and still enjoy the benefits and privilege of cis white guy status. Do I hate my body? Yes. Do I wish I could change in fundamental ways that go far beyond simple weight loss or whatever? God yes. Do I realistically have the resources to make that happen and reach a point where I think I could like my body? No.

    *I am not even remotely suggesting that it’s not worth it for other people, and it’s one of the reasons I don’t really feel comfortable talking about this, because I support any and everyone’s right to transition or do whatever they need or want to do to feel even an iota more comfortable in their bodies. I feel like explaining my own issues on the subject with myself belittles what others go through.

    Oh God. I’ve never actually admitted any of this before, and I’m a little scared shitless right now. I seriously may delete this.