Yasuke is actually a fantastic choice as far as history/narrative goes.
A shame the game looks like more generic Assassin’s Creed Mapfucking+Crowd Supermurder.
Which is fine if that’s your thing, but I haven’t been thrilled by an AC game since… well, AC1.
They piss away all that potential trying to make more money, the irony is if they just focused solely on making great games, the money would follow.
They could be doing so much better, but they choose to fuck it up every time.
Not in their minds. Making something good would cost more this quarter. Might make more profit when the game comes out, but that probably takes years and requires hiring talented game designers, so instead they choose to make a cheap game now and release it to the same type of people who buy Madden every year.
I mean, look at Halo Infinite. Guarantee the execs are wishing they’d released some garbage like a year after Halo 5 instead of spending all that time just to make it passably okay. I doubt that quarter’s sales numbers would be significantly lower.
Except it keeps fucking up over and over again lol
I’m not so sure. Briefly perusing the AC Wikipedia page, it doesn’t seem like they’re losing money even on their worst performers. Hell, it says Valhalla, which came out in 2020, had the best release week of any AC game they’ve ever made.
Even if the games suck, they’re not aimed at the sort of person who can recognize that.
My point is, they could make more money with a better game, not that they’re not making money.