There are only two kinds of books that are truly loved - those pristine and undamaged, and those which look like they’ve been through the apocalypse
Book Darts are the way. The only way. (That’s a “sentence pointer” made out of copper. It’s archival quality, so it won’t damage your book, even if you leave it there for a very long time.)
Chaotic evil mwah ha haaaaaa
Chaotic good and neutral evil. Don’t do neutral evil
I’m lawful evil. But I think they mixed up neutral evil and chaotic evil.
Absolutely, putting a book down open face will fuck up the spine, and if done for a long time or repeatedly, the whole book will be deformed and maybe even fall apart.
That seems much more chaotic to me than dog earing a few pages.
LE gang rise up!
Me too, and this is the only alignment chart where I’m lawful and I don’t like it.
I listen to audiobooks
points and screeches
With an accent?
No, that’s farts only.
…and talking I guess.
I use old Zimbabwean money.
I read through this top left to bottom right and did NOT expect to find myself in the last panel. Yes I’m a monster
Over my life I’ve gone from neutral evil to chaotic evil to chaotic good and now am lawful neutral
I use the dust jacket flap.
I’d love to do this clearly easier method except that dust jackets are the devil. One, they ALWAYS get ruined, ALWAYS. Two, they’re weirdly loud if you read in bed & your partner is trying to sleep. Three they sure don’t keep dust off if you store books on a shelf standing up
I throw dust jackets away immediately, because I think they’re an abomination and books look and feel better without them. And then I dog-ear the pages because it gives them character.
I must be extra chaotic extra evil.
Fuck me I hate those things. Straight to the trash.
I throw them away because I will tear them, the tears will catch on my hands, and it will slide half-off at the worst possible time.
Sorry but the whole chart is misaligned here. Lawful good is dog-earing the page: it requires zero extra items and uses the structure of the book itself, and it doesn’t get in the way like a (shudder) ribbon does.
All others are chaotic evil options that get in the way of reading
But… But it’ll damage the the page. 🥺
Small post-it notes
That way when I get distracted by another book, I can leave the mark right there. Considering I’m always “in the middle of” at least five books, this is the best solution I’ve found.
What’s neutral+neutral evil+chaotic good?
Mental illness
Tear the page you’re on out and keep it in your pocket to look back to when you need to start again and you can find the page # on the torn out page. /S
Calm down, Satan
Tear each page out as you read them. You’ll always open the book to the page you’re on
I try my best to never stop mid-chapter so I don’t relate to any of this.
Okay, and where is throwing the book aside and remembering the page, and when you inevitably forget where you were, just starting from the last place you vaguely remember?
“Previously on… Or wait, does this sound familiar? Did we jump forward instead?”