While I fully agree with you about the Canadian Flag being a symbol of colonialism, I think that’s unrelated to this article.
I believe we need a different symbol to represent the People of Canada.
I think this is the part of your comment where you miss the mark the most. The flag isn’t what needs to change, it’s the people and their government. Even before the convoy, I was wary of people who would go over overboard on national pride, saying something like, “Canada is the best country is the world! It’s the perfect country!” (often while holding one or two flags and wearing multiple pieces of Canada apparel). I think Canada is great, but we’re not perfect, especially when it comes to “a most important relationship.” We need to be better and do better before considering a different symbol, otherwise that change is just for show. And as the Convoy demonstrated, the meaning of a symbol can change. Maybe as we evolve as a country, the meaning of the Canadian flag will evolve with it.
If you think 99% of Canadians support reconciliation, decolonization, etc. you’re going to be really disappointed when you wake up to reality. I doubt it’s even majority at this point. We as a nation need to become better, and stop blaming our problems on “the state”, which I think is just your left-wing version of the Deep State conspiracy from the alt-right.