The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024

  • Got it in 14 guesses. The trick for this sort of game is to always aim for the middle of the possible range. Spoiler-free example:

    • Guess a word starting with M=13 (midrange between A=1 and Z=26).
    • If the unknown word is before that, guess one starting with F=6 (midrange between A=1 and M=13). If it’s after that, guess one with S=19 (midrange between M=13 and Z=26). Etc.
    • Once you find the first letter, repeat the process for the second later. However take into account that not all strings are valid/common in English; e.g. you’ll see plenty words starting in MA/ME/MI/MO/MU/MY, but words starting with MR or MT are damn rare.

  • I gave the subject a check. From Tom’s Hardware, industry predictions are like:

    Year Capacity (in TB)
    2022 1~22
    2025 2~40
    2028 6~60
    2031 7~75
    2034 8~90
    2037 10~100

    Or, doubling roughly each 4y. Based on that the state of art disks would 500TB roughly in 2040. Make it ~2050 for affordable external storage.

    However note that this is extrapolation over a future estimation, and estimation itself is also an extrapolation over past trends. Might as well guess what I’m going to have for lunch exactly one year for now, it’ll be as accurate as that.

    To complicate things further currently you have competition between two main techs, spinning disks vs. solid state. SSD might be evolving on a different pace, and as your typical SSD has less capacity it might even push the average for customers back a bit (as they swap HDDs with SSDs with slightly lower capacity).

  • In modern language the way language is used and perceived determines its meaning and not its origins.

    This is technically correct but misleading in this context, given that it falsely implies that the original meaning (doubling transistor density every 2y) became obsolete. It did not. Please take context into account. Please.

    Furthermore you’re missing the point. The other comment is not just picking on words, but highlighting that people bring “it’s Moore’s Law” to babble inane predictions about the future. That’s doubly true when people assume (i.e. make shit up) that “doubling every 2y” applies to other things, and/or that it’s predictive in nature instead of just o9bservational. Cue to the OP.

  • I do this for a living so I have a few words about it.

    1. Obsessing over the meaning of individual words, and wrecking what the text (or dialogue) says on a discursive level. I see this all the time with Latin, but it pops up often in Japanese too - such as muppets translating “貴様” kisama as simply “you…” (literal translation) instead of something like “bastard” or “piece of shit” or whatever. Sure, “貴様” is “ackshyually” a pronoun, and then what?

    2. Not paying attention to the target audience of the translation. JP→EN example again - it’s fine if you keep honorific suffixes as in the original if the target audience is a bunch of weebs, we get it. But if you’re subbing some anime series for a wider audience, you need to convey that info in some other way. (Don’t just ditch it though, see #1.)

    3. Not doing due diligence. It’s 4AM, you got more work than you have time for, you need to keep pumping those translations. Poor little boy, I don’t bloody care - spell-proof and grammar-proof the bloody thing dammit. “Its” for possessive, “it’s” for pronoun+verb; “por que” if question, “porque” if answer; “apposto” if annexed, “a posto” if it’s OK.

    4. Abusing translation notes. If your “TN” has four or more lines, or the reader already expects one every single page, you’re doing it wrong.

  • Thank you for sharing this video - what he says about the paronomastic infinitive is interesting, and it explains an oddity of the same verse in the Vulgate:

    Gen 2:17 de ligno autem scientiae boni et mali ne comedas in quocumque enim die comederis ex eo morte morieris

    “Morte morieris” is literally “you’ll die of death”. The expression sounds as weird and redundant in Latin as it does in English - but it makes sense if Jerome of Stridon was trying to reproduce a Hebrew figure of speech.

    (Interestingly enough, “die” [in the day] is also there. And that “ex eo” [“out of that”, i.e. as a consequence] also reinforces that Adam would die as a consequence of eating from the tree.)

  • It’s possible; the peak of the Green Sahara period was ~8000 BCE, while the Epic of Gilgamesh is from 2100 BCE. As the desertification of the Sahara and Levant went on, it’s possible that small pockets of greenery remained for longer, becoming the target of oral traditions, that eventually the Epic and other myths borrowed from.

    I just find a bit unlikely because those myths typically have something to do with humans or human-like gods doing something and, as a consequence, either spoiling or leaving the garden:

    • Hebrew - humans develop morality, so they’re kicked out
    • Sumerian - humans distance themselves from nature, as they try to wrestle control over it (that’s how I interpret it at least - the man vs. nature theme is common in Sumerian myths).
    • Ugarit tablets - god El has a tree of life, god Horon transforms it into a tree of death

    Then in the Greek myth I don’t think that they give the garden of the Hesperides some end or similar. It’s simply there.

  • My prediction:

    It’ll reach a profitability peak some months from now, then start dropping again. That drop will prompt Reddit Inc. to introduce further changes to the platform, and they’ll get a new profitability peak - smaller than the older one. This pattern will repeat a few times, until the focus is back from “maximising profits” to “cut down the losses”.

    Investors will be pissed and try to find someone to blame, potentially even suing Greedy Pigboy - seeking to get their money back, as the amount that they invested in the platform became nothing. This will fail, but Greedy Pigboy’s reputation will be ruined among investors, just like it is among users.

    In the meantime, users will flee in flocks from the platform. Most of them will go to Discord, with only a handful hitting Lemmy - as by now Lemmy already has its own culture aside from the one of the “leftover” in Reddit. (I expect that “fuck off back to Reddit” will become a common scene here.)

    In the meantime, it’ll be an open secret that the very changes promoting short-term net profit caused long-term losses. Because it’ll be stuff like:

    • Targetted ads further encouraging users to use ad blockers, and to avoid the app altogether.
    • Disruption of the mobile site to “encourage” users to use the app. Some will use it for a while, then ditch it altogether.
    • Making ads less and less distinguishable from genuine content. You click it once by accident, get pissed but give Reddit some money; you do it twice, and you leave.
    • Removing features only used by a small fraction of the userbase - but the fraction differs each time, so users in general get pissed.
    • Removing the ability to customise the old.reddit page of each subreddit with CSS, under some bullshit claim like “someone might abuse it, think on the children!”, but the actual reason will be brand awareness.
    • Introducing changes that, while desirable for larger subreddits, either neglect or outright harm smaller subreddits. Even if the main reason why people stay in Reddit is the smaller subs.
    • Copying features from social media platforms strictu sensu. That’ll promote Reddit in the short term, but in the long term it becomes pointless to stay in Reddit instead of a bigger platform (like Facebook).

  • Following that interpretation, what Yahweh said is a half-truth - because it implies that the fruit itself would cause their death, when it doesn’t. They would eventually die because Yahweh would revoke their immortality, but the fruit itself does what Serpent said that it would, granting them knowledge.

    In the Sumerian story of the gardens of Dilmun, Enki and Ninhursanga, Enki eats of the eight forbidden plants so as to gain knowledge of them

    Great catch - I completely forgot about this myth. I’ve seen a different, but still related version, might as well explore it here:

    • Enki sleeps with Ninhursag, they have Ninšar.
    • Then with Ninšar, they have Ninkurra. As they do it Sweet Home Alabama plays in the background.
    • Then with Ninkurra, and they have Uttu.
    • Then, as Enki sleeps with Uttu, Ninhursag removes Enki’s semen from Uttu’s body and throws on the ground, creating the eight plants that you mentioned.
    • Isimud (Enki’s assistant) uproots those plants and give them to Enki, who eats them - so now he knows the heart and determines the destiny of each plant.
    • Ninhursag gets pissed and then curses Enki, withdrawing her “life-giving eye” from him, so he falls sick.

    Ninhursag governs over the mountains, while the other three goddesses govern human activities (Ninšar and meat cooking, Ninkurra and sculpting, Uttu and weaving). And the later was probably not considered as important as the others, due to the absence of the prefix Nin- “Lady, Mistress”.

    As such, Ninhursag likely governed over wild plants too, like the ones that Enki ate; and, once Enki to control those plants, he was invading her realm. Or, alternatively, by knowing better those plants Enki had a reason to control the mountains, instead of sticking to the wetlands.

    Either way, if the Hebrew myth of Adam and Eve was influenced by this one, suddenly it makes sense why Yahweh punishes Adam and Eve - Yahweh’s realm would be morality, and the couple invaded it.

  • I think that you are reading it right. And while I personally wouldn’t associate obedience with moral “good”, whoever wrote this myth clearly did.

    In fact the whole myth feels like Yahweh creating a successful trap for the couple - the tree is in the garden, but they aren’t supposed to eat from it; the snake was in the garden, but they weren’t supposed to listen to it; and the serpent speaking the truth while Yahweh was being a liar (“you’ll die”… except they didn’t.)