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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • ChatGPT has gotten scary good with both entirely misunderstanding me in almost the exact way my ND ass does to NTs AND with how well it responds to “no, silly, and please remember this in future”

    I don’t use it super often, but every 6mo or so and it’s gotten crazy good at remembering all my little nuances when I have it so shit for me (nothing like research, mostly “restructure data in format a to format b pls”)

  • I’m explicitly not a star wars fan, and never really have been. Before the Disney buyout my friends gave me mad shit for preferring the prequel trilogy as movies simply because the OT is just (gonna get ripped for this but idfc I got an A defending my point in film school so) not very good looking or interesting to watch by today’s standards, really (and I watch 2001 like yearly so clearly I’m an expert). But, I really liked the concepts the universe had and the expanded universe, and I like how much Mark Hamill loves being Like and that rubbed off on me and I like Luke too.

    Then Disney got their hands on it and I watched all the people who used to shit on me slowly turn to my side. Felt like emperor palpetine seeing my Anakins finally come to my side, honestly. So I know they’re fucking it up

    Even my wife, who much like someone else in this thread isn’t really into star wars, had seen the OT recently enough that when Luke showed up in The Mando and started being all not-Luke even she was “who is this and what did he do to my boi”, because people have basic story/object permanence?

  • My wife and I only own our home because her wealthy dad was willing to front about half of the down payment with an interest-free repayment to him alongside the mortgage. With 25k from the government we’d not have needed that, and we got an acre in California. 25k is huge.

    We’ve only ever had trouble with this mortgage once, and it was trouble we could have managed without help had we just tightened our belts for a while (just don’t go to the ER. Even if you have insurance. Even if you’re dying on the floor and an ex first responder demands you to for your safety: die instead. I am not joking, had it not been for familial help we’d be paying it off for the next 5 years and it would eat almost all of the little savings we’ve finally started managing to build up, so one more bump and we’d lose fucking everything), so it looks like all those “well sure you can afford rent that’s 1.5x the cost of the potential mortgage, but how do we know you can afford it on the job you’ve had for 8 years?” Pricks were wrooooooooooong

  • Ok, had my wife send me the file from my network

        name: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}
        attachable: true
          driver: default
            - subnet: configure
              ip_range: this
              gateway: yoself
      # Gluetun - <https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun>
        image: qmcgaw/gluetun
        container_name: gluetun
          - main-network
          - NET_ADMIN
          - PUID=${PUID}
          - PGID=${PGID}
          - TZ=${TZ}
          - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=custom
          - VPN_TYPE=wireguard
          - VPN_PORT_FORWARDING=true
          - VPN_PORT_FORWARDING_PROVIDER=protonvpn
          - WIREGUARD_ADDRESSES=use your own
          - WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY=nope
          - WIREGUARD_PUBLIC_KEY=69420
          - WIREGUARD_DNS=
          - VPN_ENDPOINT_PORT=
          - VPN_ENDPOINT_IP=
          - ${DOAPPDAT}/gluetun:/gluetun

    I left in the wireguard stuff without my details because for me Gluetun refused to work when setting the exact same info to wg0.conf, so I define it in my compose

    Then, services that rely on gluetun go below and look like:

    # qBittorrent - <https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/qbittorrent>
      container_name: qbittorrent
      network_mode: container:gluetun
      image: lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest
          condition: service_healthy
      restart: unless-stopped

    Works perfectly when I run it through portainer

  • What works for me:

    Networks first in docker-compose

    Gluetun first in Services, uses the network I set for it and the stack

    Everything else goes below it, relying on the gluetun CONTAINER (I plan to have another stack running gluetun for other reasons so having it check the service is a no go for me) to be running in a HEALTHY state

    All are set to restart: unless-stopped except gluetun, which is never

    The expected behaviour is that containers will always wait for gluetun to report that it’s healthy before trying again to restart. Should gluetun fail and crash for any reason it won’t reboot and potentially fuck itself up harder, and no services will be able to start because it’s not reporting healthy.

    This works perfectly in portainer and should when running docker-compose up, but for me it took portainer to work. Saw someone somewhere mention it has some sort of priority handling override built into it that docker itself doesn’t, meaning it’s less likely to fuck that lind of thing up, but idk how true it is

    I’ll see if I can remember to snag a couple snips of my YAML to make it more clear

  • My main 2 reasons for installing it both come from needing to restart services sometimes:

    Portainer let me allow other people access to restarting specific containers that occasionally misbehave

    Portainer lets me update and restart all of the containers running in my VPN stack without breaking. For some ungodly reason, even with dependency set and everything in docker-compose, a CLI reboot will basically always start a service or 2 before gluetun is actually advertising it’s in a healthy state and everything breaks. With portainer that doesn’t happen, with the exact same compose, and I don’t get why lol