Only if you think Kamala values her unpopular policy positions more than she wants to be at trump.
I think Harris values beating the other guy and saving democracy more than all else at this point, and this is the reason why her positions have swung so rightward.
It’s to the point that not only the rightie Liz Cheney, but even Dick Cheney, is able to vote for and endorse Harris.
I’m voting for her,
Me too.
but she’ll get more votes moving to the left,
Citation needed. And considering what’s at stake, you better be able to provide strong evidence of this. (I’ve previously explained why we need moderate Republican votes to win and the reasons suck but we’re not in a position to change it prior to this election.)
and I really really want to beat trump, so I’m going to keep making noise till the election.
Same here. I’ll keep explaining why we need to join with moderate never trumpers to win this election.
I guess that is the fundamental disagreement here. For some folks, like immigrants, they may not be able to go to the part and smell the flowers anymore - because they’ll be forced out:
Even becoming a citizen before the election may not keep you safe since remigration is being brought up