I’m talking about America as a country, not you as an individual. I understand your frustration - I went through Brexit as someone who voted to remain and very definitely didn’t vote for a government that chose Boris Johnson as a leader.
I’m talking about America as a country, not you as an individual. I understand your frustration - I went through Brexit as someone who voted to remain and very definitely didn’t vote for a government that chose Boris Johnson as a leader.
Those who voted certainly did. Those who chose to not vote did also. I don’t live in America but it was incredibly obvious this was coming. America chose to be represented by by this guy who said quite clearly what he was going to do.
Anteeksi. My humble apologies. I thought Moomins were just Moomins. Today I learnt a thing.
If only we had billionaires to help out!
That’s Norwegian, I think.
Where is this tunnel?
Closet Nazi.
No row houses, so definitely not the UK.
I’m glad this is basically the top post.
There was definitely resistance from the young guy. It just didn’t make my story. The police in the country where I’m from have a much higher standard of engagement with people. Their actions we well justified.
At a concert and saw the police approach and start questioning a young drunk guy (out doors, before show started). They basically said he had to leave on account of being too intoxicated and he started getting mouthy. I’ve never seen the police react so quickly the moment he finished saying, “My dad is a top class expensive lawyers and he’ll have your asrses for this” - he was in the ground and handcuffed within seconds. In the next few seconds he was back on his feet and being escorted to the paddy wagon.
Serious question: wouldn’t Universal Basic Income rely on everyone paying their taxes instead of certain groups trying to hide or avoid paying it? I can’t see governments affording this without a serious look at their spending to pull back om somethings, or there being a sufficient amount in the coffers from taxation.
Actually, if the reason is to stick it to Moron Musk then I approve.
Why do people keep referring to X as Twitter?
Moving to Finland was the best thing for my my butt. So clean.
I was sitting in the room while my friend’s dad was having a argument with his horrible dad. The horrible dad threatened to write him out of his will, and my friend’s dad respond, “Why do you think I’d want 1/6th of fuck all anyway?”
I wouldn’t be so blunt with my mother about things, but every time she talks about inheritance I encourage her to just spend the money on herself. Anything will be spilt between 7 kids overall (3 hers, 4 my late step dad). She is holding on to an expensive ring because my very well off, money hungry sister, has basically demanded it, so I’m working behind the scenes to try get her to sell it so she can invest in making her last few years that much easier.
Fight! Fight! Fight! (grabs popcorn and a few beers).
I think out of all I’ve been reading, your comment has brought me a lot joy and smiles. Thank you for something good on a Friday night after a tough week.
It’s been a long while since I was involved in a church, but my recollection of the Bible isn’t able to reference anything that implies there is a need for the hierarchy associated with the Catholic Church, or similar. It kind of says you can have a personal relationship with God, and I don’t recall anything about Mary being special in any way aside from giving birth to the so called Messiah.
Is that “all stops”, as in they will get rid of that guy who very definitely did a Nazi salute?