They think they’re in on the game. When they finally find out they’re not, it’s going to be a rude awakening and too late.
They think they’re in on the game. When they finally find out they’re not, it’s going to be a rude awakening and too late.
My wife is a school teacher. Schools in our area haven’t taught cursive in years. They’ve been talking about bringing it back.
I relate to this. I bounced from Christian sect to Christian sect looking for the ones who got it most correct. I ran out of denominations.
Someone explained to him with pictures and crayons how viruses and vaccines work.
I always avoid the fish symbol.
This sounds like a whole forest fire of flaming red flags.
Oh, Katie. Hon, why don’t you pop back into the kitchen and make some sandwiches and iced tea. That’s a good girl.
The world you campaigned for is here, Katie.
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
How do you die from measles? I mean what actually causes death? Is it pneumonia?
No, no, no. She’s not one of those women, you see. That’s for the other women.
The mix of abbreviations and full spellings is killing me.