Pulling the same old crap like they do with the bible?
They’re taking religion out of schools so kids don’t read the bible!1!1!
When the problem is that Fox watchers haven’t bothered to read either of the writings themselves and believe whatever someone tells them the documents mean. They don’t actually want anyone to read these things.
Trump could tear up the Constitution live on Fox News and they’d point at Democrats and ask why they hate America
My wife is a school teacher. Schools in our area haven’t taught cursive in years. They’ve been talking about bringing it back.
Damn. If only the Constitution has been transposed into non-cursive format at least once over the last 250 or so years! /s
Da, why yankee no teach children Cyrillic these days? Москва́ DEMANDS ANSWERS
And possibly put somewhere it’s easily explained with the entirety of the text included. That would be so hard to do…
I know you’re being sarcastic but I’m sure those that buy what Fox is selling here think that anything besides the original document itself is untrustworthy and has been doctored to be woke or something else stupid
They probably don’t know about it, but shit like that has happened.
A single unnamed secretary illegally altered the wording of a federal law that was passed in 1871, when they failed to properly copy it into the Federal Register, in 1874. That shit led to Qualified Immunity, which is explicitly against the original wording of the law as passed.
I’m sure if they took a trip to DC they wouldn’t know if it was the original or not.
The transcription on Wikipedia has pronouns in it! They even made it start with one!
Wait until they hear about the Bible
Which one?
As if random tourists are testing for forgeries
How could it be? It’s in cursive! Nobody knows how to read that!
I am continuously amazed what the right wing propaganda machine convinces people to get upset about.
URGENT! Democrats conspire to plant trees to emit POISONOUS oxygen into atmosphere.
DANGER! Democrats have SPACE LASERS and HURRICANE machines!
Eh, even they described as a literal “conspiracy theory”, so (without having seen the footage) it was probably more of a light-hearted quip.
Gotta float your bullshit somehow
Dude, I learned to read and write in cursive like every other 90s kid. I still can’t read much of the original text of the constitution. Have you see that chicken scratch?
It’s very readable, definitely not chicken scratch. Unless I missed an implied “/s”?
If you look up a really high res scan, it is much better. Most pictures/scans I’ve ever seen though are completely unreadable because of how crazy italicized it is. It’s on like a 60 degree lean. It just looks like scribbles if the image is not super high res.
deleted by creator
As if these dildos know what it says.
Well, they can read the bit about the “right to bear arms”, but the part involving a “well regulated militia” makes them confused and angry.
The irony is that the right to bear arms is a literal amendment to the constitution which the founding fathers did intentionally to set a precedent for future leaders to change and update the constitution. Conservatives who act like strict constitutionalists just completely miss the point of the bill of rights and their favorite amendment to have guns
Remind me: which party fights against funding public education, thereby forcing school administrators to make difficult choices about what to cut?
Like it matters to these fucking traitor shitbags. If every republican could just fucking get measles ASAP, that would be grand.
You’ve never read the constitution until you’ve read it in the original Klingon
True, you can only truly understand it in its original cursive, read while walking around colonial williamsburg
“le Wut”
I have to read cursive every day for work.
But that’s because I’m the only person I know who writes in cursive.
lmao, why would they care if that was accurate??
deaggregated link to the raw story
Thank you, I’ve just updated the link