Oui ! Avec du bon fromage et de la bonne charcuterie des Halles de Lyon histoire de marquer le coup.
Oui ! Avec du bon fromage et de la bonne charcuterie des Halles de Lyon histoire de marquer le coup.
The US has a massive political and cultural influence all over the world. Trump’s victory will open a whole new Pandora’s box when it comes to geopolitics, climate (in)action, and support of racist, sexist and xenophobic policies. His campaign strategy will probably be used by politicians all over the world, and will embolden them to try more and more unhinged bullshit.
I don’t know how it will personally affect you, but it probably will in many many direct and indirect ways.
Now watch the effects ripple through the world. Now that a guy like him can be elected, politicians around the world will take note and use the same playbook. And it will probably work.
We already felt it in France with the 2016 US election, I can’t imagine what the next decade will be like…
And I wouldn’t be surprised if Taiwan was next now
Please take them back, we have enough self absorbed assholes to deal with already.
Given the number they supposedly have, even if only 1% of them actually work, that’s way more than enough to blow up the world.
Especially these people indeed, it’s one of the reasons they get so rich in the first place.
Perso j’ai absolument adoré Venise (fait en période de faible affluence) et Amsterdam. Mais Venise c’était très spécial, c’est une ville millénaire, unique et dans son jus.
And more often than not, these companies rely on handouts from the government anyway.
Surtout qu’une fois que tu as vraiment vu Venise, tu vois que c’est absolument incomparable comme endroit.
Yeah I had the opportunity for that recently, completely unmasked in front of someone I didn’t know. And holy crap it feels strange…
Same goes for fascism…
To provision VMs yes, to configure them I think Ansible works best. But you can call Ansible from Terraform.
I use both depending on the mood, but I noticed that baking soda neutralises the taste of tomato whereas sugar neutralises the acidic taste.
It’s ok for this to happen to other people but not me! I’m special!
The rent would have doubled anyway. Paris is Paris.
Globalement, la fonte tant qu’il n’y a pas de trou dedans c’est récupérable. Faut bien poncer pour enlever les résidus, huiler et culotter au four au moins pour la première couche.
I’d not be surprised if these attacks were linked to the recent lawsuits IA had to go through concerning copyright and such…
Le mec qui est devenu riche grâce aux contrats de l’état américain, au frais du contribuable, va pousser l’échelle derrière lui. On serait presque surpris.
Le même mec qui était un immigré illégal pendant un temps.
Nos équivalents français jubilent et prennent note pour 2027.