That may be true based on stats which can always be manipulated. But it sure doesn’t feel safer. There was a time when you had no fear riding the subway. Now you are taking your life in your hands just standing on the platform
Hey cocksucker the crime rate now is lower than Jules ever got to in his drug addled terms. It’s lower than it was in 2010. It’s higher than De Blasio sure but Covid fucked up the status quo ante.
Facts don’t care about your fucking feelings. Get the boot outta your mouth
“stop and frisk” was horrible. Just the thought of them removing all those illegal guns from the street. And then actually jailing those carrying those illegal guns. It was a horrible time in NYC
That may be true based on stats which can always be manipulated. But it sure doesn’t feel safer. There was a time when you had no fear riding the subway. Now you are taking your life in your hands just standing on the platform
Was that before or after Bernie Goetz decided to murder people and then he got away with it? Because I’m not sure everyone felt safer after that.
NYC used to be much more dangerous. Really goes to show how mislead we can be by emotions that you feel it’s only dangeeous now
You are not old enough to remember how peaceful and clean the city was during the 16 years of Guiliani and Bloomberg
Hey cocksucker the crime rate now is lower than Jules ever got to in his drug addled terms. It’s lower than it was in 2010. It’s higher than De Blasio sure but Covid fucked up the status quo ante.
Facts don’t care about your fucking feelings. Get the boot outta your mouth
Oh, yes. The “stop and frisk” era.
“stop and frisk” was horrible. Just the thought of them removing all those illegal guns from the street. And then actually jailing those carrying those illegal guns. It was a horrible time in NYC
downvotes verify that many are too young to remember