My question still stands: rape regarding trump, and murder in this circumstance—what’s the difference?
How many examples of public political rapes can you find?
Lt. Commander Data: But if that is so, Captain, why are their methods so often successful? I’ve been reviewing the history of armed rebellion, and it appears that terrorism is an effective way to promote political change.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Yes, it can be. But I have never subscribed to the theory that political power flows from the barrel of a gun.
Lt. Commander Data: Yet there are numerous examples when it was successful: the independence of the Mexican state from Spain, the Irish Unification of 2024, and the Kenzie Rebellion.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Yes, I am aware of them.
Lt. Commander Data: Then would it be accurate to say that terrorism is acceptable, when all options for peaceful settlement have been foreclosed?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Data, these are questions that mankind has been struggling with throughout history. Your confusion is… only Human.
So you can’t find a single case of a political rape when I ask for one, when you’re asking for “how is rape different from political murder”, and you claim you don’t see the connection?
Give me a fucking break. Must be new to trolling, eh?
My friend. I absolutely did not say what you said that I said. Again, I said: people championing a rapist on one side, and the other championing a murderer—what’s the difference?
What’s the difference between an autocrat who has absolutely no morals, for example raping 12-year olds (and then commenting about bad blowjobs they give), and between a person who is otherwise an upstanding citizen except the one political murder they pulled?
You’re so fucking bad.
You shouldn’t pretend to the that dumb, because now I get to spell out exactly what it is that you’re pretending to be too dumb to see; that Trump is an immoral swindler who will change what he “believes in” and what he says and what he even claims he’d said, all in service to whatever is best to him, personally.
Luigi has followed the rules, gotten a good education, seen what the world is, and, sacrificed his personal freedom, because he knew that only a strong enough political act, such as murdering one of the people benefitting from the system he is protesting against, will be properly noticed.
And he was completely right.
So I don’t know what the fuck you’re on about. It’s like pretending “what’s the difference between making love to your wife or being raped by a burly gangster? Nothing, both are simply sex”
No. The motivation is the difference, even if your subpar brain manages to find a word which can describe both as to group them.
My apologies my friend didn’t mean to offend in anyway, no need to be so angry about it and insult.
My question has yet to be rebuked by saying what exactly makes one’s rape or murder any different from anothers. It’s still rape or murder either way you look at it; no matter how justified you think it is.
I understand you’re feeling defensive and scared, but I can reassure you that it is not within your capability to cause a change in my emotions in context whatsoever.
Like imagine a game you haven’t really cared about for a long time. Now remember you have a maxed out character. Then remember the pathetic level one monsters. That’s what I “feel” towards you.
I whack my sword out of habit more than concern.
I’ve answered it several times now, but you refuse to accept the answer. You’re refusing to acknowledge any sort of nuance while yelling, screaming, crying “why oh why is there no difference between these two things which I pretend aren’t totally different”?
What do you want? Me to copypaste my earlier responses? What on Earth is your point? You’re not saying anything, you’re not making a single point. You’re just like those dipshit Russian disinfo bots; just wasting people’s time. But luckily for you, I’ve some time to waste for a few weeks yet.
Trump is a serial felon. He cheats lies rapes, doesn’t respect anyone. Ever. Rapes children.
Luigi is a standup citizen who murdered a person who’s abusing the system to legally rob and kill people.
There’s the difference, plain and simple.
One is honourable, one is not.
One is a dirtbag selfish autocrat rapist, one is a guy who got fed up and did what others wouldn’t.
This doesn’t mean murder is now okay. It just means that we don’t really mind that one murder. It’s still murder though, so luigi will face consequences. But as far as murders go, it’s a good one.
How many examples of public political rapes can you find?
How does this answer my question? I’m not following.
How many public political rapes in history can you mention?
I can list you pages and pages and pages of political murders.
How does naming all of that answer my question?
So you can’t find a single case of a political rape when I ask for one, when you’re asking for “how is rape different from political murder”, and you claim you don’t see the connection?
Give me a fucking break. Must be new to trolling, eh?
My friend. I absolutely did not say what you said that I said. Again, I said: people championing a rapist on one side, and the other championing a murderer—what’s the difference?
What’s the difference between an autocrat who has absolutely no morals, for example raping 12-year olds (and then commenting about bad blowjobs they give), and between a person who is otherwise an upstanding citizen except the one political murder they pulled?
You’re so fucking bad.
You shouldn’t pretend to the that dumb, because now I get to spell out exactly what it is that you’re pretending to be too dumb to see; that Trump is an immoral swindler who will change what he “believes in” and what he says and what he even claims he’d said, all in service to whatever is best to him, personally.
Luigi has followed the rules, gotten a good education, seen what the world is, and, sacrificed his personal freedom, because he knew that only a strong enough political act, such as murdering one of the people benefitting from the system he is protesting against, will be properly noticed.
And he was completely right.
So I don’t know what the fuck you’re on about. It’s like pretending “what’s the difference between making love to your wife or being raped by a burly gangster? Nothing, both are simply sex”
No. The motivation is the difference, even if your subpar brain manages to find a word which can describe both as to group them.
My apologies my friend didn’t mean to offend in anyway, no need to be so angry about it and insult.
My question has yet to be rebuked by saying what exactly makes one’s rape or murder any different from anothers. It’s still rape or murder either way you look at it; no matter how justified you think it is.
I understand you’re feeling defensive and scared, but I can reassure you that it is not within your capability to cause a change in my emotions in context whatsoever.
Like imagine a game you haven’t really cared about for a long time. Now remember you have a maxed out character. Then remember the pathetic level one monsters. That’s what I “feel” towards you.
I whack my sword out of habit more than concern.
I’ve answered it several times now, but you refuse to accept the answer. You’re refusing to acknowledge any sort of nuance while yelling, screaming, crying “why oh why is there no difference between these two things which I pretend aren’t totally different”?
What do you want? Me to copypaste my earlier responses? What on Earth is your point? You’re not saying anything, you’re not making a single point. You’re just like those dipshit Russian disinfo bots; just wasting people’s time. But luckily for you, I’ve some time to waste for a few weeks yet.
Trump is a serial felon. He cheats lies rapes, doesn’t respect anyone. Ever. Rapes children.
Luigi is a standup citizen who murdered a person who’s abusing the system to legally rob and kill people.
There’s the difference, plain and simple.
One is honourable, one is not.
One is a dirtbag selfish autocrat rapist, one is a guy who got fed up and did what others wouldn’t.
This doesn’t mean murder is now okay. It just means that we don’t really mind that one murder. It’s still murder though, so luigi will face consequences. But as far as murders go, it’s a good one.