As opposed to Minds existing independently of your body. Some people believe in the existance of eternal souls and gods that do not need a body to exist.
Materialism is the belief that reality is based on Matter, and that our minds exist as a consequence of the existance of our bodies.
Dialectical materialism then looks at the world and society as beeing subject to constant change, in contrast to only having recurring patterns.
At least that is my understanding, I’m also no expert.
As opposed to Minds existing independently of your body. Some people believe in the existance of eternal souls and gods that do not need a body to exist. Materialism is the belief that reality is based on Matter, and that our minds exist as a consequence of the existance of our bodies.
Dialectical materialism then looks at the world and society as beeing subject to constant change, in contrast to only having recurring patterns.
At least that is my understanding, I’m also no expert.
Thanks! That’s a good overview of it!