65 per cent of Canadians say Canada is accepting too many legal immigrants. That figure, less than a year ago in February, was just 50 per cent. In March 2019, only 35 per cent of Canadians held that view.
Based on this poll https://acs-metropolis.ca/studies/negative-sentiment-towards-immigrants-in-canada-is-on-the-rise/
Has an n of 1612. 50% admit not having a good understanding of immigration policy.
sadly, i have heard these comments from people in my area. they of course are talking about Indian students. “they take up bus space, they take our jobs, they open their own restaurants, they don’t follow Canadian values”. a lot of hate spewing from these people.
Canadian values seem to have evaporated in the last ten years. I feel like we’re almost unidentifiable when viewed next to Americans in a crowd now. There’s still a few big differences, but politically we’re in near lock step just a few years behind America. At least, that’s the vibe I get speaking with anyone older than 40. Social media has turned Canada into a Kuato-like attachment to America’s hip, except instead of calling the shots we’re just along for the ride as the host begins its descent into a death rattle.