65 per cent of Canadians say Canada is accepting too many legal immigrants. That figure, less than a year ago in February, was just 50 per cent. In March 2019, only 35 per cent of Canadians held that view.
Based on this poll https://acs-metropolis.ca/studies/negative-sentiment-towards-immigrants-in-canada-is-on-the-rise/
Has an n of 1612. 50% admit not having a good understanding of immigration policy.
Canadian values seem to have evaporated in the last ten years. I feel like we’re almost unidentifiable when viewed next to Americans in a crowd now. There’s still a few big differences, but politically we’re in near lock step just a few years behind America. At least, that’s the vibe I get speaking with anyone older than 40. Social media has turned Canada into a Kuato-like attachment to America’s hip, except instead of calling the shots we’re just along for the ride as the host begins its descent into a death rattle.