It’s the hallmark of this administration. Misogyny. Pedophilia. Women as uteruses with life support systems attached. Sex crimes.
It’s always Projection, isn’t it?
That’s why I think they actually committed voter fraud in this election.
Fraud may be the incorrect term in a technical sense, but they did engage in mass targeted vote suppression, especially in swing states.
Take a look at this:
Full documentary on YouTube. For free. Intentionally.
If we can get word of this EVERYWHERE asap, I really really really hope we can get those suppressed votes counted. If the right people who know what to do see it soon enough
Edit for a Tl;dr of the documentary: Highly influential people used an old Jim Crow law to question the legal right to vote of tens of thousands of voters. These people were NOT notified, and their votes NOT counted because of this.
This is MAJOR intentional election interference.
deleted by creator
I seem to have have understated the number of provisional ballots thrown out. Allegedly it was close to 2.7 million.
This video is how I found out, which led to me sitting down and watching the full story:
I am a person who really hates getting into politics. It bores and confuses me.
That said, I don’t think this is a good time to lie down and give up.
Every single thing we can do to keep this monster out of control, including a vote recount and finding out if those 2.7 million wrongfully suppressed provisional ballots can be restored. It’s a gross injustice.
I would be inclined to dismiss talk if voters fraud if Donnie hadn’t been harping on it since forever. Their history of projection really makes me wonder.
Trump didn’t win by “tens of thousands of voters”. I just checked and he won by almost 3M votes.
I’m not saying that Trump and the Republicans didn’t engage in voter suppression. It just doesn’t cover enough of the votes.
The post mortem is still pending but the theme is that, like most elections that Democrats lose, they failed to coalesce their base. They didn’t speak to the working man and tried to convince everyone that the economy was fine. While GDP might be good, you can’t explain that to the single mother of three working two jobs.
Sure wages are higher now than they were under Trump but the dollar simply doesn’t go as far because of rampant greed disguised as inflation.
The Democrats won’t learn their lesson. They’ll continue to slide toward the center instead of leaning more progressive.
I understated the number since I was going off of memory. It’s closer to 2.7 million. So yeah, it COULD have made a difference.
Here’s the shorter video that introduced me to the documentary:
The Southern Strategy goal was to make it so you didn’t have to use fraud to stay in power. You can even abuse the people who put you there, and they’ll still keep you there loyally.
They were prepared to do all sorts of things, but it turned out it wasn’t necessary. American voters behaved just as they have been trained to. I think some Republicans might have been shocked how easy it was too, after the celebrating and once they looked back.
When the republican party nominates its people, they’re not nominating their best. They’re nominating people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people
They are eating and raping dogs. And cats. They are raping pets.
And sometimes couches…
How does he look like exactly like a Pixar villian that crossed into our world. It’s insane.
Holy crap that’s amazing
I think this is an old picture, and I think he looks like he’s had some bad plastic surgery since.
I thought the QANON crowd would be more upset when they found out they were lied to, but seems like they are too tired or embarassed to fight anymore.
It’s easier to lie to a person than convince a person they’ve been lied to.
This is exactly what they meant. They don’t care that their ranks are full of pedophiles, rapists, thieves, traitors and murderers. They just want to make a show of the otherside ia bad too and make a spectacle of brining those guys in for highly publicized trials with fixed results so the bad person gets punished regardless of what the evidence says. If the accused has an ® next to their name then its a witch-hunt and all evidence is faked by the deep state. If there is no ® then its not politically motivated, even when the orange flat out says its retribution for something else.