Pretty high Drop
All my n’wahs say fuck the Ordinators
Tangentially related, but I just started my first real Morrowind playthrough about a week ago, and it’s great!
When it first came out I borrowed it from my brother, but I didn’t have a computer that could run it; it was just a slideshow. I’d played Daggerfall before, and Oblivion & Skyrim subsequently, but I skipped Morrowind.
It’s a bit disappointing seeing how much Bethesda has trimmed the most interesting systems from their earlier entries. I imagine that if the next TES game had spellcrafting or a deeper dialogue system then it would get a much more engaging reception over Starfield’s bland, watered down experience that has been “polished” so much that there’s nothing compelling that stands out.
I consider that massive article with interviews a good supplement to playing it now:
And I think Todd has a bit of PTSD from the times he can’t streamline production like they do now, completely changing the focus.