Your outrage is what they want. It’s how they keep you tired, and us divided.
I’m pretty sure what they want is power and will be more than happy when they get it un opposed.
I really think the best way to slow them down would be drive a shiv in their side everytime they think they have a win. We will have to be creative about different things we can do. Nothing will piss them off more then thinking they’ve claimed more for themselves only for it all to be spoiled by some minor inconvenience.
They also want you to check out of politics. Really, chaos is a win-win for them.
My therapist had been getting a lot of milage out of me for literally this problem. Fuck but life would be so much easier if I was dead.
It’s okay to check out for a while, even for a long while. Anything you can contribute to society is a win for it, but you don’t have to feel like you only exist for that purpose. We’re all struggling in some way or another, and we’re all allowed to focus on ourselves when necessary, until we’re able to get back into the game. It’s supposed to be at least partially fun for everyone, after all.
So, if possible, try to stick around, look after yourself, do what’s necessary to wind down, and then decide how deep you want to drive back into the poop chute. We’ll be here when you’re ready.
Your outrage won’t prevent it from becoming the new normal.
Is that a threat?
If you seriously think that’s a threat, I don’t know what to say. Seems everyone is delusional as to what is about to go down here. I’m not sure if that’s because you were too young to remember or have paid attention last time or not. This is going to be clown show with Trump as the ring leader and your rage will only embolden the right wing knuckle draggers.
I suggest you hone your mockery. They feed off your rage, don’t give it to them and expect them to do anything but double down.
Well not with that defeatist attitude it won’t
You call it defeatist I call it realist.
Impotent rage didn’t stop it last time.
Your impotent rage won’t change anything this time.
Welcome to Political Humor. Was the humor lost on you, or are you just upset that other people have a right to express opinions that you don’t agree with?
Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. My opinion is what is being called out as invalid and wrong.
And the humor isn’t lost on me, I simply don’t find it funny, that is also not acceptable apparently.
Don’t not think just conform, I guess.
I’m not upset about your opinion, nor do I even disagree. Frankly, it’s the most realistic outcome. The condescending way you expressed that opinion is the problem.
What part of my original statement is condescending?
I feel you’re reading more words that I wrote.
Yep. Keep calm and punch Nazis.
Stop. Stop posting memes about me.
Both, but outrage on the 1 day a week.
My “laugh at the tragedy” defense mechanism has been getting a workout. It helps that most of the news is absurd
Neither option is good long-term.
If you check out forever, this shit is only going to get worse. If you stay angry all the time, you’ll be punishing yourself about something you cannot control.
Check out for the next year or two, then switch to unbridled hatred during midterms.
After that, check out until the next federal election. When that comes around, you know what to do.
Besides people who don’t engage at all, checking out and only showing up for the elections every 2-4 years is why we’re here today.
People complain they don’t have anyone good to vote for, but they’ve done nothing to help get good candidates and build support for them and/or vote for them in the primaries, which if they win the primaries would give voters an actual good choice in the general.
Just waiting to see who other people picked and then deciding not to vote for them because they don’t represent your needs makes no sense. Of course they don’t represent your needs, they represent the needs of the people who chose them.
Obviously we can’t all be (or want to be) involved in politics, but we can at least see who’s running in the primaries and try to get the best of those choices to win and be an option people will want to vote for in the general.
There’s very little we can do for 2 years. We have to watch the weakest and most marginalized among us be subjected to the full corrupted power of the systems we set up to protect them.
Take a break for a few months. Nothing any of us can do right now besides hope the damp paper party can do something to make it harder for the next government. Next year, join an organization that is trying to do something and has good leadership. Run for something if you can. Go to protests. Don’t obey.
My response is studying at the dojo of george lakoff and (optional) a whole lot of tactical, vicious swearing.
In another post someone said to watch the news maybe once a week. That’s all you really need to actually stay informed- after that it’s doom scrolling.
Make sure to audit your sources from time to time- how are they fact checking? What systems do they have in place? Are they publishing to inform or to enrage? Are they talking to you with a crystal ball? What questions are they asking, who is asking them, and who benefits from the answer?
When interacting with strangers on the Internet, be like Mr. Rogers. If they aren’t being like Mr. Rogers, then be like Mr. Rogers. This isn’t for them, this is for you.
I’m struggling in this too, so many are. These tips may or may not work, but I guess fortunately we’ve all been through this before so we have some idea of what’s to come.
I just don’t want to become the person I was from 2016-2020, I did not like that version of me.
“If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention.”
Yes. Yes, very much so.
🔴👈 Keeping myself calm by thinking of how funny it’s gonna be when a bunch of conservatives who decided to drink listeria die of listeria
I want them to get every single fucking thing they voted for and for the US to collapse and get conquered by the Chinese who will put an end to that fucking Jesus bullshit
That’s absolutely wild. I don’t think I’ve read anything more unhinged in a long while.
An ml in world’s clothing.
tHe EnEmY wIThIn
The other option is another civil war. We are too far gone for sane democracy (or democracy at all) to return. Mine is the better of two options.
To pretend you’ve done any sort of rigorous assessment to come to this exact conclusion is obnoxious and insulting.