I dunno where you live but Metra in Chicagoland (connecting the city center to the surrounding suburbs) are double decker already. The L trains downtown don’t really need them.
I dunno where you live but Metra in Chicagoland (connecting the city center to the surrounding suburbs) are double decker already. The L trains downtown don’t really need them.
Oh hey more Xians that haven’t read their own handbook.
No stain, huh? Did you at least remember to sealcoat?
Organize you bookmarks? It’s a simple folder hierarchy, not rocket science.
That’s because our government, from top to bottom, has a punishment-based attitude when it comes to any and all violations of any rules or laws. And instead of precision strikes, they use flamethrowers.
He’s an out of touch rich asshole. I’m less surprised at his shock than I am surprised by him giving a fuck.
He’s not even cool enough to be a bro. And I mean that’s a stupidly low bar. No he’s just a douche.
It’s like they’re pathologically adverse to normal-looking shoes.
Oh so she’s delusional and a psychopath.
I’ll bet his mom is super proud.
You should have made sure I didn’t eat Taco Bell for lunch.
So they can be pushed off.
The original (or remasters versions of) Final Fantasy. If you can’t appreciate the OG then you need to shut up about all the shitty sequels already.
Walking on them is literally the entire purpose of sidewalks. I mean its right there in the name. This picture is exactly why - so they’re safe from cars and don’t obstruct drivers. Your opinion of cars is completely immaterial when determining who is being reasonable in this context.
All cops need oversight.
Little did they realize that America thought this was awesome. Cringey but awesome.
My fiancee insists that if we ever have a daughter that we’re naming her Aeryn. I’m fine with that. Hell, I’m the one who introduced her to the show lol
If they lean any harder into the sunk cost fallacy they’re going to be walking on the bottom of the ocean.