It’s time for the EU to grow up and give the USA its walking papers. I mean it’s not as if the USA has been even remotely helpful as NATO countries face their greatest threat since the Soviet Union.

Throughout all of its history the USA has been an unreliable ally. Whoever banks on US support loses in the long term as the fickle US electorate changes flips its lid every 4-8 years and drastically rewrites the script as to who is a friend and who is an enemy.

And the script for the next four years says autocrats and other such assholes are the friends, and they’re willing to throw the previous friends’ bodies under the bus to prop up a failing business enterprise run by a crony.

    4 months ago

    I mean it’s not as if the USA has been even remotely helpful as NATO countries face their greatest threat since the Soviet Union

    Uh, except a truckload of actual military support? Even during the Trump administration. And a boatload of support to Ukraine?

    This is so petty of JD Vance it’s unreal. “Block my friend’s private company and we’ll terminate our 75 year defensive pact.” In another decade, he’d get impeached for even saying that, for multiple reasons.

    But there’s truth there. The US gives a lot, and the EU should give more to Ukraine and spend more if it doesn’t want to be so dependent on its fickle overseas ally who’s binged a little too much Fox News.

      4 months ago

      This is so petty of JD Vance it’s unreal. “Block my friend’s private company and we’ll terminate our 75 year defensive pact.”

      This is who they are. They don’t care about this country. They have no sense of loyalty, nor patriotism, nor love for country, and certainly not duty. They will bully and take bribes, and break the law, and sell advertising, and engage in thousands of conflicts of interest until they’re gone.

      4 months ago

      As for Germany, the country has given some, but the chancellor is reluctant, because he actually seems to fear Russia (every weapon system needed months of convincing him), the former (lol) ordoliberal finance minister refused take out loans due to a austerity program called ‘debt brake’ and the powerful opposition party sued the government’s household and won, so suddenly 66 Bn disappeared which combined with extreme austerity enforced by a 10 percent party in coalition largely limited defense spending.

      TL:DR Austerity wins over Ukraine (or anything) big time.