
My Dearest Sinophobes:

Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.

Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李

  • 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • There was a whole phase in early “game design” where every game was basically D&D with a bit of a facelift here and there. Genuinely new games were few and far between (and are the celebrated games of the era now). Then the '80s happened and game design went all over the place with wildly creative ways of doing things happening (and like every wildly creative phase in any discipline, a lot of it was a really stupid direction to take things, so withered quickly on the vine).

    Then this weird phase happened in the early '90s where people nobody had ever heard of or from came out of the woodwork to tout their “grand new RPG” that “solved all the problems of previous games” … and it was always just another variant of D&D. These were people who’d been playing (usually) AD&D for over a decade building up house rules and then deciding that they would publish these house rules as a “new” game system. And it was clear they’d never even once been in a game store, not to mention talking with other designers or playing other games, over their entire span. Because they would “solve” things by proudly proclaiming the number of classes they had so you could play the character you want. (One game had 114 classes!) Or how you could play any race and class in combination. Or, you know, things that hadn’t been an issue at all since the introduction of Runequest in 1978.

    It was always so tragic. These games were amateur in the literal sense: the product of great love. A lot of time, effort, and money had gone into their publication. And they were doomed on impact because while they were, arguably, an improvement over AD&D (the king of the gaming castle at the time) they weren’t sufficiently good to be worth switching to. I had about 20, maybe even 30, of these games on my bookshelf just as a mute testament to what happens if you try to hit a market without even elementary market research.

  • The Apartheid Manchild has this weird obsession with Mars.

    There will be no permanent settlement on Mars in the next decade. (I frankly doubt that there will even have been human footprints on Mars in the next decade!) There will be no permanent settlement on Mars in the next century. There will likely be no permanent settlement on Mars in the next millennium. And I’m saying that last one not because I don’t think we’d have the technology in a thousand years, but rather because there is no point in living on Mars.

    Mars has nothing we need that’s worth maintaining a settlement in the face of conditions harsher than the absolute worst the Earth has to offer. If people want to live in a permanently cold shithole with nothing usefully accessible they can just build a house on Antarctica. It’s a far cheaper way to fuck around and find otu.