You don’t feel like bringing a massively distracting schtick to a political post detracts from your point? Trump is openly rætfuçking the election, lóók at mï!
What fucking point? The whole personality is engagement farming. The title is “hey tankies, look at me”, the text is “everyone, I’m special”, it’s like the relaunch of the PenguiN OF d00m holds spork !!1
You get away from reddit, and they just remake it from first principles, I swear.
Why write “the” as “ð” instead of “ðe”?
A desire to be arbitrarily special
Maybe they pronounce it “ðə”, and they’re implying the schwa by default
Kinda, but also it’s a shorthand borrowed from similar spelling reforms, namely Shavian.
Makes sense like how you would say “B makes the bə sound” implying schwa. If “Ð makes the ðə sound” already, it can be substituted.
Borrowed from oðer writing reforms in which ð equivalent letter is also shorthanded for “the”
I have a whole load of ðem, but stick to just using ð and þ because ð prescriptivists would never shut up if I brought out ð whole bag of fun.
You don’t feel like bringing a massively distracting schtick to a political post detracts from your point? Trump is openly rætfuçking the election, lóók at mï!
What fucking point? The whole personality is engagement farming. The title is “hey tankies, look at me”, the text is “everyone, I’m special”, it’s like the relaunch of the PenguiN OF d00m holds spork !!1
You get away from reddit, and they just remake it from first principles, I swear.
Capturing the lucrative Lemmy market, lol
Please please please continue to not let anyone give you shit.
Seconded. I’ve considered trying this out myself.