Damn, he got like one aspect of this kind of correct, except you know that by “improving himself” he maybe at best means getting in better physical or financial shape instead of addressing the Scrooge McDuck-style vault full of red flags, and at worst he means sliding deeper into this disgusting worldview.
Damn, he got like one aspect of this kind of correct, except you know that by “improving himself” he maybe at best means getting in better physical or financial shape instead of addressing the Scrooge McDuck-style vault full of red flags, and at worst he means sliding deeper into this disgusting worldview.
Also she’s gotta be all those things already while he works on them.
Hopefully he’ll improve to the point of realizing the BS he was spouting.
Most unpleasant guy you’ve ever met who is moderately in shape: why don’t I have a fuck maid as a reward for basic self care???