• pjwestin@lemmy.world
    23 hours ago

    You are literally complaining about democracy here. If you want more “yes” votes, elect more Democrats.

    The last 20 years prove otherwise. Not only could they not pass Bidens’ BBB agenda with both houses in 2021, but they couldn’t pass universal healthcare or codify Roe with a super-majority in 2009. The only major legislative achievement of the Democrats since the 90s was passing a Republican-designed healthcare plan. That’s not democracy, it’s disfunction.

    Democrats bring progress, and Republicans bring regression.

    LMAO, no. The social safety net is a fraction of the size it was 40 years ago, wealth inequality is at record highs, and housing is unaffordable for half of Americans. That’s not just from Democrats failure to bring change either; Bill Clinton did as much to gut welfare and deregulate Wallstreet as any Republican. At their best, the Democrats slow the rate of regression, and even that is far from a given.