OSHA, as much as I love it is not even close to Socialism, its enabling act requries it to consider the effects of profit before any rule comes into place. The citiations are far too low to mean anything, and almost always the too low fines are negotiated down, or vacated intirely.
OSHA is a worker protection but it exests as part of capitalism
Democrats: “let’s pass some reasonable reforms to temper the ill effects of deregulated capitalism”
Republicans: “that’s socialism and you’re a Marxist!”
Youth: “we want reform so I guess we like socialism!”
Republicans: “the radical left is indoctrinating our kids!”
Followed by :
Democrats: “Fine we’ll do whatever you want! Just don’t call us commies!”
Which democrats? The fuck?
Name one “reasonable reform” of significance since the ADA.
Name one Marxist policy that has ever existed in the US.
Depends on whether you consider social welfare programs an acceptable version of transitional socialism.
Wow, Republicans are Marxists 🤔
8 hour work day. 5 day week. (still too long but an improvement). OSHA… The list is literally endless.
OSHA, as much as I love it is not even close to Socialism, its enabling act requries it to consider the effects of profit before any rule comes into place. The citiations are far too low to mean anything, and almost always the too low fines are negotiated down, or vacated intirely.
OSHA is a worker protection but it exests as part of capitalism
That’s an incoherent question.
I guess the closest actual answer would be the Black Panthers and their activities