• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    He said that if he wasn’t in the NFL, he might have ended up dead from something like this.

    And he’s got a point.

  • noride@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Cops are overwhelmingly bags of shit, and will use every available opportunity to demonstrate that fact, as we see here.

    That said, I really think fines for traffic violations should be based on income. The guys total nonchalance at having been caught doing 60 in a 45(?) just smacks of wealth privilege. As it stands, fines only serve to yoke the poor, and do nothing to curb dangerous behavior from those who can easily afford the infraction.

  • dhork@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Tyreek seemed to be acting like a dick, but that officer was obviously spoiling for a fight. Tyreek’s behavior could easily be explained by being flustered over being late for work. The officer was just an asshole from the start. I’m honestly surprised they released the footage.

    As far as the seat belt thing goes: I got pulled over for having a taillight out once and after I stopped I immediately got my license out of my back pocket, unhooking my seat belt to do it. When I handed my license to the officer, he accused me of driving without a seat belt, and I told him I took it off to get my license out. The officer bought my story, but then again, I have an advantage in these interactions with police that Tyreek doesn’t. But at least I know now to just wait after I get pulled over for the officer’s instructions. I won’t get my ID until he asks me for it, so he can see that I have my seat belt on.

  • 11111one11111@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Tyreek is a grade A piece of shit. Cops could’ve beat the shit out of him and it wouldn’t begin to make up for him beating his son and threatening his wife to cover it all up. Or the assault charges his college girlfriend filed against him.

    From the assault charges for beating his son:

    Espinal: "What do you do when the child is bad? You make him open up his arms and you punch him in the chest."
    Hill: “You do use a belt. That’s sad,” Hill said. “Even my mama says you use a belt.”
    Espinal: "He's terrified of you."
    Hill: "You need to be terrified of me too, b****."