• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Not really, all it requires is someone to produce a signed message with one of Satoshi’s private keys, which can be easily verified with the public addresses on the blockchain. Whoever produced that message can be proven to possess that private key. Nothing short of that would be believable by the crypto nerds.

    If we presume that Satoshi understood that Bitcoin may be valuable one day and kept the keys private, that would mean that the signer really is Satoshi, or one of his associates or heirs Satoshi trusted wih access. Even if that person wasn’t actually Satoshi, their word on who it is would be considered authoritative.

    Unless it’s Craig. Fuck that guy. Nobody believes him.

  • dhork@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldCan Trump Win Over Independent Voters?
    3 days ago

    Let’s put it this way. How many Independants, who were leaning toward voting for Harris already, see the Dick Cheney endorsement and say “That’s it! That’s the last straw, I’m not voting for her!” I think you can count those people on one hand (or maybe no hands). I think that group is exclusively people who would have never voted for Harris because even she is too far right for them, and are using Cheney as an excuse.

    OTOH, I think many more Independants categorize themselves that way because they are fed up with partisanship entirely, and would be pulled toward the side that appears to have the bigger tent. Maybe Cheney himself isn’t the tipping point. But his endorsement, plus all the Republicans who refuse to endorse Trump, might be.

  • Like… an endorsement from Dick Cheney isn’t getting you independents. They hate those war criminals also.

    I think you are vastly overestimating how many of these independents are progressive. I think many more of them are just too busy to care until it affects them personally. They are not as hung up on the casual war crime or two as you are, as long as they are not the ones in the receiving end of it.

  • This is getting downvoted because it comes from a clearly partisan source in the wrong direction.

    But I think it’s a valid question. I think Trump will win over some Independent voters – the selfish ones. I don’t mean that to be disparaging. I literally mean that he will win the votes of people who are primarily concerned with their own interests, and can’t stand when their tax money helps someone else.

    You know the type - the “self-made” people who may have taken advantage of government handouts while they were building their wealth but how they they have it no longer see the need for those programs. Or the immigrant who came here “the right way”, and now wants to pull up the ladder behind them.

    We’ll see if there are enough “I’ve got mine, fuck you” voters there to make up for the enthusiasm that Harris/Walz is building on the left.